MCPP Board of Directors Meeting March 2024 Minutes
In-Person Meeting, Sunday, March 17, 2024, 9am – 10:30am
Present: David Freiband, Eve Avrin, Tamra Frei, Shil Sengupta, Elizabeth Waiess, Karen Weber,
Linda Young, Marissa Keep, Miriam Lorrain, Michele Rivette
President: D. FreibandPresident:
- Freiband motioned to accept Sengupta’s February 2024 minutes with suggested revisions.
Frei seconded the motion. Board approved unanimously.
Treasurer: Tamra Frei
- Frei confirmed access to $10,000 Freiband moved from UMCU checking account fund into Schwab account, so that Frei has had access to it for use in the
Market Value Funds
Vice President of Programs: Miriam Lorrain
- Asked Board for feedback with respect to potentially two in person meetings that would be of greater length than the current two-hour format. Board considered whether people who normally attend, would be interested in coming to programs of this length. Lorrain will send us links of these individuals so that Board Members can assess the appeal. The Board will come back to specific issues regarding logistics (i.e. venue) relates to events such as these next meeting.
Membership Co-Vice Presidents: Linda Young and Lisa Larson
- Membership has increased to 80, up 7 from prior month.
Committee Reports:
Website: Karen Weber
Social Liaison: Eve Avrin
- Confirmed success of dinner with current day’s presenter.
- Avrin was interested in exploring future options for social gatherings: outings similar to those planned prior to the pandemic, as well as the
banquet, to be discussed at next
Elections: Marybeth Atwell
- Working on revision of bylaws to allow Co-VP’s for Membership & Programs
- It’s not enough for Board to vote on this revision, but for membership to vote on this.
- As a workaround, the Board can have people take on these roles prior to an election, but they ultimately need to be voted in, but not before
it’s technically in the bylaws
- We are interested in adding to the bylaws. Under article 3, section 2, we would like a section allowing board to create co-officers
(with the exception of President) as needed and appoint someone to occupy those positions as a board until such time as we are due to have an election
by the membership, at which time those positions would then be up for election, with subsequent voting privileges.
- Freiband will follow up to clarify next steps.
- We need to propose to membership that the Board, at our discretion, are creating co-vp positions and populating them until the next election.
However, question remains as to what we do with the ballot once we have the next election.
Motion and Vote via Email:
- Motion and vote taking place by email:
- David Freiband moved to make the following addition to the by-laws in order to have Co- VPs. If these changes are approved, we’ll put them to vote
by the membership.
Article III, Section 2. The officers of the Board shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Past President,
Vice President for Certification, Vice President for Education and Training, Vice President for Programs, Vice
President for Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, an additional
person can be added as a Co-Vice President for each position that has a Vice President currently. The
additional person in each role will share the title with the existing person such that both become Co-Vice
Presidents. The Board also has the discretion and responsibility to temporarily fill any elected position that is
vacated. These Board appointments end with the next MCPP election, at which time membership votes to
fill vacant positions. The President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, and each of the Vice-
Presidents and Co-Vice Presidents will hold two-year terms of office; the Treasurer will hold a three-year
term of office. The President shall assume office after two years as President-Elect and shall be the Chief
Executive Officer of the Council; the President-Elect or Past President may serve in place of the President in
the event of the President's unavailability.
- Waiess seconds the motion. Majority approves: 8 approve, 2 abstain. Motion passes: vote passed to membership.
Psychology CEUs: Miriam Lorrain
Social Work CEUs: Tamra Frei
New and Continuing Business
- Freiband had conversation with Michael Singer, who has been advertising our programs to MPS. He said he is amenable to commensurate
reciprocity idea: he pointed out that MPI
doesn’t have something every month to advertise. That advertising would equal out over the year. Any issue with advertising events close to each other (at least one day apart) is not considered a conflict.
- Follow up on discussion about Zoom-meister backup: Keep will assist Linda as backup
- Freiband made motion to end meeting, Frei seconds. All in favor. Next meeting in April virtual.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Shil Sengupta, recorder.