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Listserv Guidelines

The MCPP Board of Directors has developed guidelines for announcements on MCPP’s listservs.  The MCPP Community Listserv functions primarily as a means of sharing announcements from the organization about organization activities.  Such announcements come from the MCPP email address, showing up as “MCPP.”  MCPP as an organization only announces another organization’s events when we have some form of reciprocal agreement.

Those of you who have joined MCPP (paying members) are welcome to post announcements about outside events-- once per event, please.  Anyone on the listserv (paying member or not) may use it to make referrals.  The senders of these emails should show up in your inbox as something like  Announcements from individuals are not vetted or endorsed by MCPP.  

Please refrain from announcing outside events that conflict with MCPP’s scheduled events.  The listserv is not intended for promoting other things such as clinicians, clinics, or fundraising events sponsored by other organizations. 

Thank you for your cooperation and participation.  We look forward to seeing you at future MCPP events!

If you would like to be added to our MCPP community listserv, please contact us at and make a request.

-The MCPP Board

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