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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2024

Virtual Meeting Via Zoom, Sunday, January 21, 2024, 9am – 10:30am

Present: David Freiband, Eve Avrin, Lisa Larson, Tamra Frei, Shil Sengupta, Miram Lorrain, Michele Rivette, Elizabeth Waiess, Karen Weber, Linda Young, Carol Stratman

President: D. Freiban

  •  Sengupta asked the Board for feedback regarding new Minutes format; Board confirmed current format and length.
  • Freiband motioned to accept Sengupta’s November 2023 minutes with suggested revisions. Waiess seconded the motion. Board approved it unanimously.
  •  Several people have been recruited to join MCPP as Members-at-Large: potential individuals include Carol Stratman, Cate Desjardin, Bob Cohen, and possibly Alice Michael
  • Question proposed: what are ramifications of having more than three additional people join as Members-at-large.
  • Points made that having more people could help, because of (1) additional perspectives & experience, (2) potential for more involvement, (3) and potential to fill in positions that have previously been vacated.

Treasurer: Tamra Frei

 Accounts up about $12,000, $7000 from membership renewal, and $5000 from recent

growth in our stock market invested account.

Vice President of Programs: Miriam Lorrain

  • Update on programs for 2024-25
  • We’ve been contacting potential speakers; at least two people who weren’t able to speak last year, will be able to speak this year.

Membership: Linda Young and Lisa Larson

  • Renewal letters have been sent out.
  • 34 need to renew, 62 have renewed according to latest numbers.
  • Frei’s address needs to be made clear on renewal letter, given her recent transition to Treasurer.
  • Considered subset of people who have been having trouble renewing, exploring potential solutions.
  • Considered value of fee for psychoanalytic certification since there is no current training program.
  •  Considered how to charge people who join halfway through the year; we could prorate members to half cost if they join halfway through the year. Young, Larson, and Weber will continue to discuss.

Committee Reports:

Elections: Marybeth Atwell

  •  No updates

Psychology CEs: Miriam Lorrain

APA C.E. recertification application has been submitted (to be recertified for the next five years). We expect feedback next month if any additional input is needed.

Social Work CEUs: Tamra Frei

  •  No updates

Old Business:

  • Revisited splitting Vice President for Programs position into two co-V.P.’s because of the amount of work involved in the position, and our ability to divide it evenly between (1) outreach for current year versus (2) recruitment for subsequent year.
  • The need for backups for essential roles. We have a highly functional Board, but it’s important to have a backup person for certain roles, lest primary person steps down or is unavailable to do the work: examples given: (1) managing website, (2) running hybrid Zoom meetings. Temporary Solution: Scott Money from DezignSeed Consulting can step in to assist if Weber is unavailable to operate our website: Frei offered to shadow Lorrain for next Hybrid meeting to understand running of hybrid Zoom meetings.
  • Question of how updated Bylaws are posted to the MCPP website? Waiess can forward this information to Weber who will subsequently post it.

--Freiband motions to adjourn meeting. Lorraine seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

--Next board meeting, virtual, will be on February 18, 2024.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Shil Sengupta, recorder.

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