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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 12, 2023

MCPP Board Meeting notes

Virtual Meeting Via Zoom, Sunday, November 12, 2023, 9am – 10:30am

Present: David Freiband, Eve Avrin, Lisa Larson, Tamra Frei, Shil Sengupta, Miram Lorrain, Michele Rivette, Elizabeth Waiess, Reena Liberman; Absent: Weber and Young

President: D. Freiband

  • Freiband motioned to accept Sengupta’s October 2023 minutes with suggested revisions.
  • Rivette seconded the motion. Board approved unanimously.
  • Board formalized email vote regarding changes made to the UMCU account: “I move that we, the Board of Directors for the Michigan Council for Psychoanalysis and
  • Psychotherapy, approve the University of Michigan Credit Union (hereafter referred to as “U.M.C.U.”) to make all of the following changes to our account effective October 23rd, 2023: 1.) The removal of Eve Avrin and Peter Wood, former treasurer and former president, respectively; 2.) The addition of Tamra Frei and David Freiband, current treasurer and current president respectively; 3.) Our account mailing address from “Eve Avrin, 5340 Plymouth Road, Suite 209, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48105,” to “Tamra Frei, 139 S. Clemens Ave, Lansing, MI 48912;” and 4.) The address on our checks to 139 S. Clemens Ave, Lansing, MI 48912.” 
  • Freiband motioned to accept, Avrin seconded. Board approved unanimously.

Treasurer: Tamra Frei

  •  Frei now officially manages the finances for the Board.
  • According to Frei, little change to Schwab account total.
  • UMCU account totals reflect expenses for the previous presenter, offset by money generated from CEU’s.
  • MCPP has earned ~$1500 from non-members paying to attend meetings and acquire CEU’s during the past 2 meetings.
  • We want to encourage meeting attendees to save money by joining the organization in the renewal letter, as well as on the community listerv.

Vice President of Programs: Miriam Lorrain

  • Discussed details of how technical issues with AV at the October meeting are being addressed, with Events Services has offered us a technical support staff person free of charge for our March, 2024 hybrid meeting. 
  • Speaker recruitment process is under way for 2024-25 academic year.
  • Potential speakers were mentioned along with considering those addressing diversity and equity, evidence based, and need for clinical relevance.

Membership: Linda Young and Lisa Larson

  • Membership renewal letter is being finalized and will go out in approximately two weeks. We discussed sending it to academic programs.

Committee Reports:

Elections: Marybeth Atwell

  •  All board positions are up at the end of the upcoming year (September 2024): starting then, all positions will be up for elections (with the exception of secretary, a 3 year position (through 6/’25 tentatively), programs (through 6/’25 tentatively), treasurer (through 6/’26), and three Members at Large.
  • The Co-Membership 3 year position ends in June, ’24. Larson is willing to continue. Atwell will see if Young is amenable to same.
  • We discussed the case of the individuals who are committed to one year (and not three) with sense we can work those specific contexts out informally.
  • We explored splitting the VP of Programs position into two: one person who coordinates with speakers, and another who recruits them (co-VP’s).
  • It was suggested that we put co-VP’s of Programs on the ballot; perhaps writing a letter to the membership about making this a co-position.
  • The by-law changes were approved: 23 in favor to 1 against.

Psychology CEs: Miriam Goldstein

  • Working on the APA C.E. recertification application, which is due in early 2024.
  • Close to sending in 5 year report.

Social Work CEUs: Tamra Frei

  • No updates

MPCF: Reena Liberman

  • Discussed need for new president of MPCF to succeed R. Liberman; Sonya Freiband, David Klein, and Peter Wood are still on the board.
  • The Foundation has ~$35K; funds could be used for MCPP programs in addition to the Access program.  Discussed relationship between MPCF and MCPP, and MPCF’s genesis.
  • MCPP can’t get tax free donations at both the state and federal level with current structure, while MPCF can. -No formal, legal tie between the two. 
  • Being on the board of both orgs. is not seen as a conflict of interest.
  • Liberman clarified that membership needs to send in formal email request to the MPCF board to provide funding for a young professional seeking reimbursement for CEU’s.

Social Director Position: Eve Avrin

  • Discussed possible role of social director for initiating: (1) enticing board social events (such as previously arranged tour of Detroit; (2) educational gatherings about psychoanalytic therapy topics; (3) outreach to presenters by inviting them out to lunch or dinner, make them comfortable with their accommodations; (4) outreach to membership.

Freiband voted to adjourn board meeting. Rivette seconded. All voted in favor of adjourning.

Next board meeting will be virtual in January.

 Minutes respectfully submitted by Shil Sengupta, recorder.

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