MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 17, 2023
MCPP Board Meeting notes
September 17, 2023
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Present: David Freiband, Eve Avrin, Karen Weber, Linda Young, Lisa Larson, Tamra Frei, Shil Sengupta, Miram Lorrain, Marybeth Atwell
President: D. Freiband
- Freiband made the motion to accept Sengupta’s May
2023 minutes with the revisions he has suggested to Sengupta. Frei seconded the
motion. Board approved unanimously.
- Freiband proposed
new items to add to agenda under “New and Continuing Business”:
- (1) Where to insert Community list-serv use guidelines on
- (2) Revisions to the by-laws that need to be made that are not
yet on the website: the place where these records need to be consolidated.
- (3) Whether to meet in person when we have virtual speaker
Treasurer: Eve Avrin
- Not much had changed since prior month’s financial report.
- Overall Total Net Worth: $92,121.55
(due in part to Schwab account increase)
- Total Inflows:
- Total Outflows: $7,396.65: (1) $1,404:
liability insurance, (2) presenter’s fee on 5/25 (Anne Alvarez), (3) $1,267.62
Paesano’s Banquet (with loss of $627.62), (4) $1,512 Wild Apricot website fee,
(5) $2,118.94 Zoom fee, (6) $94.09 miscellaneous)
- Avrin and Frei are working out the
details with the bank in transferring the account.
- Freiband clarified the order of
priority: (1) that Frei be officially nominated by the Board, (2) for the
Minutes to reflect this, and (3) clarify non-profit status.
- Freiband added that Marybeth Atwell, in
charge of elections, can propose Frei
for nomination by the MCPP membership when the election takes place: The Board
can vote an interim board member in prior to the members’ election itself
- Freiband moved to elect Tamra Frei as
treasurer of MCPP. Larson seconded this motion. Board voted unanimously to
accept Frei in the role of Treasurer,
- Avrin’s colleague requested selling
psychoanalytic books to the list-serv. Board rejected request in light of the
fact that this is a business transaction.
- Avrin requested opportunity to transition from Treasurer to
- Freiband made a motion to have Avrin
become Member-At-Large. Lorrain seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to
accept Avrin in this role.
- Freiband clarified that, according to
by-laws, Board members cannot occupy two positions. Subsequently, Frei, in
having accepted the role of Treasurer, will no longer be Board member-at large.
- Freiband asks all Board members to update him with their
most current Board positions so he can submit these to the state to renew MCPP’s
non-profit status.
Vice President of Programs: Miriam Lorrain
- Proposed solution of how to fill role of different facets of
- Lorrain agreed to take primary responsibility for Programs.
She requested that Board Members provide input. She added that Freiband had
agreed to assist her; Robert Hooberman had agreed to provide input as well.
- Avrin volunteered assisting speakers with logistical issues:
recommending lodging, potentially picking speakers up from airport, etc.
Membership: Linda Young and Lisa Larson
- Young shared that she had deliberated and ultimately agreed
to put the information about list-serve posting rules under the “Members”
section. The sub-title could potentially be entitled “List-Serv Guidelines.”
- Weber will reach out to webhosting company to have the
company implement this change (since this is a design issue that she cannot
implement directly).
- Weber will directly amend section updating name and address
of Treasurer, in order for new/renewing members to have updated point of
contact to send checks.
- Young and Larson are starting letters for membership
renewal, but this is not complete yet.
Karen Weber
--No updates
Elections: Mary
- Described that, in context of COVID, certain Board positions
had not officially been voted on by MCPP membership. Clarified the need to have the
membership vote on the modified by-laws. Once this is approved, then new
appointees will officially be in their new positions.
- Atwell was not certain that this two step process is
absolutely necessary, but will double check whether amended
by-laws (with new titles) need to be voted on by the Board or the entire
- Atwell verified and confirmed each
Board Member’s title and years left on term
- Freiband has 1 year left on his term
- Lorrain: VP of Programs has 1 year left
on her term
- Frei: Treasurer has 3 years left on her
- Sengupta will have 3 years remaining
once he is officially elected as Secretary
- Atwell was not certain why certain
Board positions were 3 years while others were 2 years.
- Atwell proposed defining official Board
position for Chair of Membership, renamed VP of Membership. Atwell suggested
placing VP of Membership on the ballot as a 2 person position.
- Atwell asked to confirm who are Members-At-Large
as well as confirming their understanding of their terms: Avrin--3 years, Weber:
3 years; Waiess is member at large for another year, Rivette’s status needs to
be double-checked (whether she is interested in continuing in her position).
- Young clarified that the by-laws had
been changed to have the Secretary become an elected Board position. However, these
by-laws have not officially been voted on by MCPP membership. Young added that
these updated by-laws have been ready for quite some time, just needing to be
officially voted on by membership.
- Young wants to review the wording in
the bylaws before sending it to Atwell. She requested assistance from Freiband in
double checking the language before submitting to Atwell.
- Atwell clarifies that there are
currently 3 members at-large, so 3 need to be filled.
- Atwell will follow up and verify what
is the minimum number of member votes needed to pass the votes.
- Sengupta questioned whether the Board
is obliged to have 6 Members-At- Large: whether this could be a smaller number.
- Atwell will put “Member-At-Large” in as
a “write-in” on the election ballot if the Board is not able to recruit enough Members
At-Large to fill the target number of 6. She recalled that the Member-At-Large
number had oscillated over the years—she does not consider this a cause for
- Larson clarified that she preferred the
title of Vice President of Membership in lieu of “Member-At-Large”.
- Atwell will send out nomination ballot
in month of November. She will
subsequently hold the election in January.
- President-Elect position is still open.
- Education, Training, and Certification: without training
program, we don’t need to fill these positions.
The Board is not using the venue for November (given that
the program will be virtual). The Board will need to make a decision whether to
rent venue for January meeting before our next Board meeting.
Next Board meeting date: October 22, 2023 (in person)
Freiband motioned to adjourn meeting, Avrin seconded.
Members unanimously voted to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
Minutes respectfully submitted
by Shil Sengupta, recorder.