Board Meeting Minutes MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 16, 2022
January 16, 2022
Present: Jerry Brandell, Marybeth Atwell, Eve Avrin, Liam Faulkner, David Freiband, Miriam Goldstein, Lisa Larson, Michele Rivette, Shil Sengu[pta, Elizabeth Waiess,
Kaen Weber, Peter Wood, Linda Young
Approval of Minutes. With minor corrections the minutes for the November 21, 2021. MCPP Board meeting were approved.
President: Jerry Brandell – Jerry will be away for next month’s meeting. Peter Wood will preside.
Past President: Peter Wood – there are continuing difficulties contacting the secretary the Board hired. She has still not submitted an invoice.
Treasurer: Eve Avrin - The financial report for January was submitted and summarized.. MCPP’s total assets come to $93,795.04. We are in very good financial shape. Our net worth increased by $5,000 2020-21 and by another $18,000 2021-22.
Programs VP: David Freiband – 59 people are registered for Donna Orange’s talk, and while this is a good number, a person of her reputation could have drawn more. How to better publicize events? Michele Rivette is willing to take on this task and requests ideas for procedures and contacts. Liam Faulkner suggested we use Twitter. Michele could update the Facebook page. Liam and she will coordinate on social media. David emphasized that it will be important that he be kept in the loop.
Since the next speaker is a social worker, sending meeting info to SW programs might attract attendees. Miriam Goldstein can give information of Eastern. Linda Young will continue to contact the Washtenaw Psychological Society.
Membership: Linda Young & Lisa Larson – A membership renewal letter has gone pout, and the subsequent President’s letter helped boost response to the membership renewal campaign. We have 59 paid-up members, and 28 former members have not renewed. Some have not responded, and some have resigned their membership. We
don’t have current addresses for a few. Tracking who is up to date has improved, which helps to identify who is eligible for CE credits based
on membership. Because some perks associated with analysts’ fees no longer apply (e.g., supervision and teaching opportunities for paid-up analysts), perhaps the whole question of analysts’ fees should be evaluated. How other analytic organizations are handling their fees might give us ideas.
Education and Training: (Currently vacant)
Certification: (Currently vacant)
Committee Reports: Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
Professional and Community Development: (vacant)
Website: Reena Lieberman & Karen Weber – no report
Elections: Marybeth Atwell – In the past, a nomination form has been sent out to the wider MCPP community, and ballots to members only. We will keep with this
tradition for now. We need to specify dates and terms for members at large. Liam Faulkner and Elizabeth Waiess are both in their
first year, so four positions come open next year. Other open positions are Programs, Training, Treasurer, and President. Liam might co-lead Programs in coordination with another person. Michele, given her experience in Programs, will consider joining him. David could provide consultation to whoever comes into this
role. We might attract some people to Presidential duties by having co-Presidents. Marybeth will provide a list of Presidential duties which has already been drawn up.
We imagine that people will be more drawn to participate once we go back to in-person meetings. Also, sending out “job descriptions” would help people step forward once they know what a position would entail. Jerry will write a letter to go out to the MCPP community. Some changes we might make to committee structure on the future wight be: Having rotating leadership Having committees instead of defined one-person roles
Social Work CEU’s: Tamra Frei
Psychology CE’s: Miriam Goldstein & Alice Michael – Miriam is exploring how best to meet APA requirements in wording for CEs. She has consulter with her counterpart at MPI.
Accreditation: Karen Baker
Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch
MPCC Members-At-Large Shil Sengupta, Liam Faulkner; Michele Rivette; Beth Waiess; Lisa Larson;
Karen Weber
Old Business: Peter Wood By-laws revision -Peter went over a final review of the proposed changes. The Board approved the changes, which will now be sent out to the membership.
New Business: Discussion of “No Surprises Act.” Had to be postponed to a later meeting.