2014-15 Full year courses
Ann Arbor
Current Concepts in Relational Psychoanalysis Amonthly seminar taught by: Maria Slowiaczek, Ph.D, Julia E. Davies, Ph.D, Jane Hassinger, M.S.W. Carole Symer, Ph.D, Jean Wixom, Ph.D.
Third Wednesday of each month, 7-9 pm from October 15, 2014 through June 17, 2015.
This seminar will present fundamental concepts in Relational Psychoanalytic Theory, and the ways in which these theoretical approaches inform and enliven psychoanalytic and psychotherapy practice. The course will focus on clinical practice and will include relational approaches to core psychoanalytic concepts such as transference and countertransference, enactment, dissociation and self-states, analytic impasses, “crunch moments,” privacy and disclosure, and the application of infancy research to clinical practice.
This course is appropriate for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts who have had some introduction to relational theory, as well as for experienced psychotherapists who wish to expand their theoretical approach to include relational concepts and methods.
Course fee $350 is ($380 for non-MPC members)
Contact Dr. Maria Slowiaczek at mlslowiaczek@gmail.com to inquire about or register for the course.
Registration deadline is October 1, 2014.
East Lansing
*Case Conference in Adult Psychoanalysis Taught by Patricia Marciniak, M.S.W.
2 15-week consecutive seminars
Mondays, 12-2 pm, Sept 8, 2014-December 15, 2014; January 5, 2013-April 13, 2015
$325 per 15-week session
Case material will be used to further the participants’ understanding of psychoanalytic technique and theory. Ongoing assessment issues and various theoretical approaches will also be delineated. Each participant will share clinical material.
Incorporating Techniques from Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy into Clinical Practice
8-month seminar conducted by Marybeth Atwell, MSW and Peter Wood, MSW
Tuesdays, 11-12:30 pm
Sept 16, October 14, November 11, December 9, 2014; February 3, March 3, March 31, April 28, 2015
$100 for members, $120 for non-members
This 8 session seminar will concentrate on principles and techniques from short-term psychodynamic work with individuals. The class is especially suitable for those wishing to use psychoanalytic technique to inform brief treatments, and those wishing to better understand the psychodynamic approach. The text will be Patricia Della Silva’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Therapy: Principles and Technique. Participants will share clinical material from current cases. Enrollment is open to all certified or licensed to administer psychotherapies. Approval for 12 CE credits pending. [P]
Please note that class size is limited to 15 students. Class is currently full. petrosh.wood@gmail.com
Fall 2014
No courses offered
Winter 2014-15
Ann Arbor
(E) Psychoanalysis and Spirituality 10-week seminar taught by Lynne Tenbusch, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, 3-4:30, Nov. 12, 2014 - Jan. 28, 2015
$170 for members, $190 for non-members
This course will address the relationship between psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and spirituality. We will cover a variety of spiritual traditions. SOUL ON THE COUCH, (Ed.) C Spezzano and G Gargiulo will provide the basic readings. However we will be open to adding and/or deleting readings based on the interests of participants. [A, C, P]
If you have any questions, contact Dr. Tenbusch at lynnegtenbusch@gmail.com
Spring 2015
Ann Arbor
*, **, § Ethics 2-session seminar taught by Peter Wood, M.S.W. & Marilyn Frye, Ph.D, M.S.W.
Saturdays - May 2, 12:30 - 2:30 pm and May 16, 12:30 - 3:30 pm
$50 for members, $60 for non-members
What light does psychoanalysis shed on theories of moral and responsible behavior? How can we be held accountable for actions based in unconscious motivation? How can psychoanalysis help individuals to be more ethical? What ethical stance are we called on to take as analysts and therapists? Readings will explore these important questions.
Approved for 4.5 CE credits [A, C, P]
Dreams in Clinical Practice 4-session seminar taught by Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.
Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015, 7-8:30 p.m.
$65 for members, $75 for non-members
Beginning with some of the writings of Sigmund Freud, and continuing with contemporary contributions, this course will emphasize the role of dreams and dream interpretation in the psychotherapy practice.
Approval for 6 CE credits pending. [A, C, P]
(E) = Elective
[A– Adult analysis; C– Child analysis; P—Psychotherapy]
* Denotes a required course in the Adult Psychoanalysis Training Program
** Denotes a required course in the Child Psychoanalysis Training Program
§ Denotes a required course in the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program