MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 2017
September 17, 2017
Michigan League Ann Arbor
Present: L. Larson, K. Weber, D. Freiband, S. Freiband, K. Warren, P. Sweet, P. Woods, R. Hutchison, A. Michael, R. Hooberman
President-Introduced and welcomed Karen Weber, new Board member. Freiband’s goals for this academic year: enlistment of member for President-Elect position, increasing outreach, re-engaging analysts, and developing a candidate cohort beginning in January.
Access Program-6 people currently involved, 20 overall have have participated. Cost is approximately $500/month. Requesting $5000 to be transferred to Foundation for support of program as this money has already been approved. P. Wood suggested that book sale monies be given to Foundation. Some discussion about whether we have an emergency fund for members in crisis. Further exploration suggested. Freiband indicated that we need to start planning for Banquet in June.
Treasurer: Warren distributed financial reports. We’re $600 in the black for 2016.
Membership-Larson reported that we have 110 members. Reviewed planning and advertising for Shedler conference. Solicited assistance at registration. Weber, Wood, Michael, S. Freiband and Sweet volunteered.
Training and Education-Sweet indicated that Wood will teach the Ethics course. The Shakespeare class did not run but she is encouraging D. Klein to develop other formats to present this material. Sweet has 6 possibly 7 registrants in her case conference class, all of whom show in interest in candidacy. Discussion ensued as to whether MCPP offers reduced fees for classes and pros and cons of such an arrangement. It was reiterated that we do not but are open to payment plans. Sweet also expressed interest in helping candidates who have not finished their training.
Programs: D. Freiband indicated that we have programs for all months except for May and some individuals have expressed interest in presenting a child or adolescent program in May.
Continuing Education: Hutchison indicated that the Psychologist continuing education program is approved for two years and no action is required presently.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.