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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 2014

Michigan League

Ann Arbor

September 21, 2014

9am – 10:30am

Present: MPC Board members: David Klein, Reena Liberman, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Peter Wood, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Cynthia Hockett, Sonya Freiband

1. Secretary: Alice Michael (not present)

The minutes of the meeting of June 22, 2014 were approved.

            Hooberman suggested revisiting the form of the minutes – to be taken up at October meeting.

2. President: D. Klein

            Klein welcomed new members to the board: Lisa Larson, who is a new Member At Large as well as taking on the role of Membership Chair, and Marilyn Frye who is a new Member At Large.

Reviewed last year’s goals and progress made in 5 key areas:

  1. 501c3: Liberman is moving it forward
  2. Low-fee Supervision/Analysis:       Access Program is moving ahead
  3. PCD Courses: These have been incorporated by T&C, who is offering a variety of professional development courses
  4. Increase Membership: We have a new Membership chair, and have arranged to give new memberships to those taking a course with us for the first time. We are still working on increasing the membership numbers.
  5. Exploration of a name change:       ongoing, but moving forward in exploring this idea

Klein reported on a discussion with Michael Rudy regarding the revision of the processes of financial transactions within the organization.

Klein raised question of administrative/secretarial tasks of the organization and how best to manage them.

3. President Elect: S. Freiband

Access Program updates: Board tasked Freiband with moving ahead to advertise the Access Program.

4.   Past President: B Waiess

MPC due to review the by-laws in 2014-2015. Art Brickman will be asked by Klein to chair this task.

5. Education and Training: Peter Wood

Reviewed status of enrollment for fall courses – practicing therapists/analysts are enrolling.

Continuous Case, taught by Pat Marciniak, has 6 people enrolled.

Short Term Dynamic Therapy, a monthly seminar co-taught by Peter Wood and Marybeth Atwell, has 16 people enrolled, and 2 people on a wait list.

Relational Psychoanalysis, part 2, offered by Maria Sloviacek, Julia Davies, Carole Symer, Jean Wixom, and Jane Hassinger, did not get enough people to run this time. They are regrouping and offering the course in a different format – unsure whether it will run or not.

Other courses will be offered in later semesters.

Training Committee is recruiting new members. Topic of payment to instructors to be discussed at next meeting.

6. Programs: Cynthia Hockett

Report on status of filling spots for Sunday presentations for the 2015-16 year. Discussion of balance of two locations, and practical changes that could reduce overhead expenses while preserving other essential elements of the meetings (eg, confidentiality, hospitality).

7. Treasurer: M Rudy

Rudy reviewed details of current net worth and budget.

8. Certification: Liberman No report

9. Candidate Representative:

Rudy noted candidate understanding and frustration with delays in course offerings and fewer than needed training cases.

10. Committee Reports:

10) Committee Reports 

501(c)3: Reena Liberman

Updated board on continuing progress. It will likely be next summer before the process is completed, continues to be within budget limits. The board expressed appreciation to Liberman for all her work on this.

Membership: Lisa Larson

            Larson described goals and strategies to broaden participation.

Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman

            Ken Corbett will be the Visiting Professor this year.

Professional and Community Development: (vacant)

Website: Reena Liberman

            Updated the board on the hiring of Patrick Oliver at Fearless Network to manage our website; Liberman stressed that we need to make sure that all of our members actually register on the website since we are no longer going to have a paper directory.

            Motion:   Requests $1000 for next year’s budget. Passed unanimously.

Elections: Marybeth Atwell 

            We have many positions to fill in this new election cycle. Atwell encourages us to start thinking about people to fill the positions of President Elect, Certification VP, Training VP, and 2 Members At Large.

CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)

Accreditation: Karen Baker

Registrar: Rebecca Hatton

Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister

Newsletter: Barbara Gamble

Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto

Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess

Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch

MPC Members-At-Large:  

  Marybeth Atwell  MaryAnne Beltzman

Marilyn Frye  Robert Hooberman

 Ralph Hutchison  Lisa Larson 

Old Business: Name Change

            The board continued to discuss the possibility of changing our name, following a request for input into this issue from the membership. Klein noted that he had received feedback from 5 members, 4 of whom were in support of the idea and one of whom was not.

A consensus began to emerge around the name, “Michigan Council for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis” (MCPP or MCP2), as it maintains a tie to our current name and suggests an expansion to encourage increasing participation by psychotherapists (while still keeping a psychoanalytic focus). This discussion will be continued next month in the E. Lansing board meeting.

Hooberman raised the possibility of exploring whether we could resurrect MSPP (as it appears to have suspended operations), perhaps becoming a part of Division 39 in this way. He will discuss this further with Etta Saxe and Barry Dauphin and present findings to the board.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sonya Freiband (filling in for Alice Michael, board secretary).

Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.


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