MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 2011
City Club
Ann Arbor, Michigan
September 18, 2011
MPC Executive Board members: M. Atwell, D. Freiband, S. Freiband, M. Frye, R. Gottlieb, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, M. Meisels, M. Rivette, M. Rudy, M. Slowiaczek, Peter Wood.
The meeting was called to order by Klein, standing in for Board President E. Waiess. (Unless otherwise indicated, motions were introduced by Klein.)
1. A motion to approve the appointment of three members to the Board was passed unanimously. The three: Marybeth Atwell, Dick Gottlieb, Marilyn Frye.
2. The parliamentarian, Meisels, reminded the group of the merits of the Board meeting’s proceeding in compliance with the rules of parliamentary procedure.
3. A motion to approve en bloc the list of committee chairs. It was noted that the Board previously acted to discontinue the print newsletter.
A substitute motion was made to approve all committee chairs but the newsletter chair, pending consultation with Waiess (Board President). After discussion, the substitute motion was then withdrawn.
The original motion was approved unanimously.
4. The Board acknowledges and thanks Diane Gartland’s years of service to the Board.
5. The Board acknowledges and thanks Murray Meisels for his service as chair of the Board.
7. Review of the budgets of the committees and operating categories of the organization. There was a motion to approve them en bloc. Discussion. It was noted that no expense figures were available for a number of the committees/categories, and there were questions about various items that could not be answered at the moment. Some board members noted lack of details about what the proposed expenses were for. Some clarifications were offered by committee chairs who were present. It was noted that the Board is not offered committee budgets that include projected incomes and details of expenditures. Meisels moved to table the motion to approve the budgets until the next meeting and allow committees to spend funds in the meantime. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
8. The approval of the minutes of the meeting of May, 2011, was moved, and approved unanimously.
9: Committee Reports
1) Treasurer:
- a Providence Hospital invoice has not been received
- there is no record of which individuals paid for subscription to the International Journal of Psychoanalysis
- the Treasurer is interested in having the authority to re-organize MPC’s investment portfolio, setting up a balance portfolio that would earn more income
- the Treasurer is in the process of setting up the software so that committee expenditures and incomes can be tracked, and committee chairs given their spreadsheets timely.
2) Past President. No report.
3) President-Elect. No report.
4) Training and Education.
- There are 10 candidates; 4 are inactive, 6 are active.
Recommendation: use the T & C as a forum for discussing this; there is
a need for more people to be involved in it. Perhaps a retreat is in order,
to address how we engage with a changed situation.
- Wood moved to admit Michael Rudy to candidacy. Motion approved
5) Membership. No report
6) Elections.
There will be two openings on the Board for next year: one male member-at-large and one female member-at-large.
7) Professional and Community Development. No report.
8) Website. No report.
9) Social Action. No report.
10. New Business.
- The Board congratulates Bert Karon on being the first recipient of the Empathic Therapy Award from the Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education & Living.
11. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn Frye, Secretary to the Board.