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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 2010

University Club

East Lansing, Michigan

September 19, 2010



MPC Executive Board members: D. Freiband, S. Freiband, D. Gartland, B. Klein, B. Lovegrove-Lepisto, P. Orosan-Weine, M. Meisels, L. Pierce, M. Rudy, B. Waiess, J. Wixom, P. Wood

MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: M. Atwell, D. Klein, R. Hooberman

I. President's Report - Murray Meisels

- Discussed the importance of parliamentary procedure 

-Reviewed list of committee chairs. A motion was made and carried to approve the following individuals as chairs of committees for MPC for the 2010-2011 year.


MPC Bulletin - David Klein

Elections - Marybeth Atwell

Child Analysis - Ira Schaer

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Mary Nowack

Cinema Talk - Reena Liberman

Registrar - Reena Liberman

Gender and Diversity - Ellen Toronto

Membership - Laura Pierce

PCD - Sonya Freiband

Strategic Planning - Michael Rudy

Website - Reena Liberman

Social Action - Ellen Toronto 

- Reported that Sheila Wasung had resigned her position as newsletter editor. A motion was made and carried for the MPC Board of Directors to formally express appreciation to Sheila Wasung for her work on the MPC newsletter.


Issues that were voted on electronically due to urgency over the summer were voted on formally by the board.

A motion was made and carried to send messages of appreciation and support for Jennifer Rahn and Ellen VanDeMark 

A motion was made and carried for a $100 donation to be made to the Menninger Foundation in memory of the late Teresa Bernardez, MD


A motion was made and carried for the purchase of an LCD projector for MPC programs and training

Budget requests were submitted by chairs and board officers:

A motion was made and carried to approve the following budgets for the 2010-2011 year.

Professional and Community Development $200

Training and Certification $3500

Programs $26,000

Treasurer $200

Bulletin $3500

Administrative Budget $1000

II. Secretary's Report - Diane Gartland

- The minutes for June 2010 were approved by the Board

III. Treasurer - Michael Rudy

-Submitted a hand out in the interest of time

-Discussed the need for a formal accounting structure

IV. Past President - Brenda Lepisto - no report

V. President Elect Beth Waiess

- Discussed the recent deaths and illnesses within the organization and called for awareness of the impact on the board and the membership.

VI. VP for Education and Training Report - Peter Wood - no report

VII. VP for Programs Report - Jean Wixom

- Ellen Toronto submitted a proposal for the 2011 joint presentation with MISIPS

VIII. VP for Certification Report - Pamela Orosan-Weine

A motion was made and carried that Jane Hassinger, MSW be certified as an psychoanalyst with the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council

Committee Reports

IX. Retreat/PCD committees - Sonya Freiband

-Reported that the retreat came in under budget

X. Old business

- Reena Liberman will discuss website directory proposal

 Brenda Lovegrove-Lepisto will discuss newsletter proposal



Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.

Recording Secretary

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