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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 2008

University Club

East Lansing, Michigan

September 21, 2008




MPC Executive Board Members:  M.Anderson, K. Baker, A. Brickman, M. Stirling Doherty, R.Hooberman, B. Klein, D. Klein, R. Rosenthal, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, J. Wixom.

MPC Members and Committee Chairs: K. Sorrel, K.Pratt, M. Meisels, S. Freiband, P. Wood.


I. Minutes from May 18th meeting approved.


II. Treasurer’s Report:  Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty indicated that financially we are in good shape.  The operations fund balance is $21,907.62.  The dues letter will go out soon and those payments will further enhance our financial standing.  Mary Ann raised the issue of prorating memberships and it was decided by consensus that Mary Ann would decide on prorating memberships on a case by case basis.  Mary Ann has also investigated where MPC can get the best deal on credit card processing charges.  She will continue this process and will consult with the website committee.   The budgets from the various committees were presented and discussed.

A motion was made and carried to approve the budgets.


III. President’s Report: David Klein for Brenda.  Mary Anderson was confirmed by the Board as a Member-at-large.  Peter Wood was confirmed as a member of the Training Committee and as Chair of the Psychotherapy Program.  Pamela Orosan-Weine was confirmed as member of the Training Committee.   David indicated that a thank you note was received from Janet Robinson for the flowers that were sent after her mother’s death.  Brenda is continuing to gather information on our various funds, including the Anne Cunningham Fund.  Brenda is actively participating on three committees:  The Training Committee, the Newsletter and the Bylaws committee.


IV. VP Training and Education:  Robert Hooberman presented the Policy and Procedure Handbook and asked the Board for approval.  Discussion ensued regarding its distribution.  It was agreed to send it out to all members and then to have it professionally designed and printed.

A motion was made and carried to accept the Policy and Procedure Handbook with the corrections indicated.


Peter Wood described the newest version of the Psychotherapy program Robert indicated that Michael Singer, MPI Visiting Professor Chair has requested that MPC provide more money for the Visiting Professor Program.  Robert will explore with Michael how much other participants pay. 


V. Programs:  Karen Baker reported that the Lichtenberg registration is ongoing and she hopes to get at least 80 registrants.  She has not decided yet on an April meeting and would like to use that meeting to bring in new viewpoints rather than designating it as a time for another group process meeting. 


VI. Beth Waiess:  Membership is at 122 with 7 new and returning members.


VII. Bylaws-Arthur Brickman reported that the Bylaws Committee is compiling the various bylaws that members have submitted and that they will be ready to present them to the Board at the November meeting. 


VIII. Ellen Toronto- sent word that planning for the 20th Anniversary Party is proceeding and will be further described at our November meeting.  It will be held on May 22.


IX. Peter Wood presented a proposal to the Board regarding his and Teresa’s work, Group   Process.  They made recommendations that included having observers at various MPC meetings who would observe and report on the group processes within those meetings.

A discussion ensued and arguments pro and con were presented.

A motion was made and carried to table the proposal.


X. New Business:  Bruce Klein suggested classes also be held in the Detroit suburbs.  It was agreed that this could be discussed further at other meetings. 


Respectfully submitted,

Robert Hooberman, Ph.D.


Diane Gartland, Psy.D.

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