MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 2016
University Club
East Lansing, MI
October 16, 2016
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Marilyn Frye, Peter Wood, Alice Michael, Debra Hutton, Keri Warren
1. Secretary: D. Hutton
The minutes of the meeting of September 18, 2016 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband
Asked for budgets from the various committees.
Update on CEU’s for Psychologists:
Ralph Hutchinson reported that he believes that MCPP will be to offer APA continuing education courses for psychologists in January, 2017. The board thanked Ralph for all of his work.
3. President Elect: vacant
4. Past President:
D. Klein is working on the symposium for March 19th. Hoping for 60 attendees. The symposium will have both a light breakfast and a lunch. D. Hutton has offered to help as well as R. Lieberman. A panel discussion in the AM and PM along with 45 minute breakout sessions is the proposed format.
D. Freiband has rented the room and will pass along the information for his contact, Kayla, for University Events.
5. Education and Training:
S. Freiband let everyone know that the feedback on the classes has been positive and that the fees more than cover the cost. Next year’s course offerings will be mindful of courses needed by candidates for graduation.
6. Programs:
D Freiband discussed the upcoming year and has fliers that list the programs that will presented through Spring 2017. These will be made available on the check in table.be available throughout the year.
7. Treasurer: Keri Warren presented the cash flow analysis and net worth report. She stated that the treasurer transition is coming along and still in process. She asked that people speak up if they would want any additional information from her, and would like to standardize a process for incoming check recording and processes.
Asked for Committee Budgets
8. Committee Reports:
Lisa Larson would like to implement “pop ups” on various topics of interest to attract younger professionals. Other gatherings to foster interest in MCPP and promote time together were also discussed. Impromptu movies and lunch gatherings were suggested. This idea was embraced by the board. Questions were raised regarding the timing of dues payments, and d the complication that ensues when a member pays late (September) and then gets another bill in November. The proposal of a late fee was discussed and instituted for January, 2017. Lisa indicated that she would mention the benefits of membership and paying dues before January 1, 2017 at the presentations and will send out an email to the membership in the next few weeks.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Debra Hutton, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.