MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 2015
University Club
East Lansing, MI
October 18, 2015
9am –10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Peter Wood, Alice Michael
1. Secretary: A. Michael:
The minutes of the meeting of September 20, 2015 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband
3. President Elect: Vacant
4. Past President: D. Klein —no report
5. Treasurer: M Rudy
6. Membership: Lisa Larson (not present): S Freiband on her behalf
Student presentation on Oct 4th: well attended and rich discussion. Shared ideas about ways to offer this as a regular event within MCPP.
7. Education and Training: vacant
- Issues of student interest in the winter course, need for course to be disseminated to generate students.
- Psychopathology course is seeking instructor. Momentum could develop through the winter courses.
8. Candidate representative: Rudy
- experience of loss within the candidate pool - “wish for playmates”
9. Programs: David Freiband
- Budget ideas about use of funds to offer Programs - where it is/is not worth cutting costs. (distributed handout of meeting costs and options). Agreement that not purchasing fruit at UM is a reasonable cost saving measure. Raised AV question: bring our own vs use the facility system. Rudy discussed investment costs, and willing to investigate the options and costs. Venue costs: St Joes was less than ideal as a venue and no longer an appealing option. MSU student union as a place to check into. Klein: programs as a valued and consistent resource within the organization, so perhaps no need to alter expenses. Idea of a donation box available at the meetings.
- Need for program offerings for 2016-2017 year - ideas to recruit papers. Opening in Feb for 2016, as well as a need for a paper to fill the Lovinger Child meeting spring 2016. Next fall could be a new professionals meeting.
10. Certification: Liberman
11. Committee Reports:
501(c)3: Reena Liberman
Membership: Lisa Larson
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
- Venue inquiry —Mediterrano was deemed a good option.
Professional and Community Development: (vacant)
Website: Reena Liberman (not present - S. Freiband presents):
- Requests funds of $1000 for website updates. Fearless Networks continues as the service; they now host the website. $370 is final payment for the upgrade, balance is for anticipated maintenance. Brief comparison to last year. S. Freiband made motion to approve the $1000 budget request for website. Hooberman seconded. Passed unanimously.
Elections: Marybeth Atwell
CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)
Accreditation: Karen Baker
Registrar: Rebecca Hatton
Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister - not present, brief update by S. Freiband:
The publication process for this year’s bulletin is coming along - expects it to go to publisher by the end of the month.
Newsletter: Barbara Gamble
Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto
Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess
Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch
MPC Members-At-Large:
Marybeth Atwell MaryAnne Beltzman
Marilyn Frye Robert Hooberman
Ralph Hutchison Lisa Larson
Old Business/ New Business:
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.