MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 2014
Kellogg Center
East Lansing, MI
October 19, 2014
9am – 10:30am
Present: David Klein, Reena Liberman, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Sonya Freiband, Maryanne Beltzman, Marilyn Frye, Elizabeth Waiess, Alice Michael, Marybeth Atwell
Welcome to new Members at Large – Maryanne Beltzman and Marilyn Frye
1. Secretary: Alice Michael
The minutes of the meeting of September 22, 2014 were approved.
Discussion of the level of detail to be included in minutes to allow membership a thorough access to meeting content by reading archived minutes.
2. President: D. Klein
- Art Brickman will accept the role of reviewing the by-laws.
- Discussion of the question of how best to replace the functions of the administrative secretary. Review of the administrative needs of various roles (eg, membership, programs, elections). Discussed which functions could happen online. Agreed to consult C Hockett regarding Program needs and continue to consider best course of action. Hutchison may be able to recommend people for the role, Freiband expressed interest in having someone available as needed for tasks as they come up.
3. President Elect: S. Freiband
Access Program updates:
- links online via the website now available for information and to apply.
- When people make contact seeking the opportunity, we need to work out details of screening and how to match with appropriate supervisors. Freiband offered examples of people who have expressed interest to clarify the population of clinicians that are most appropriate for this resource (eg, advantages to getting clinicians early vs later in their training). Discussion of necessary arrangements re: malpractice insurance. Freiband can follow up with a consult with APA legal, and discussion with current insurers to be sure this issue is sufficiently clarified.
- Brief interview process to discuss individual goals to match up with supervisor.
- Not required to be affiliated with MPC: one goal of the program is to strengthen the process of recruitment of new people into the organization.
Freiband raised issue of how MPC represents itself on the website and suggested a review of the content available to the public. Raised the possibility of volunteers crafting a more cogent, brief and positive piece about the organization that would be the prominent on the website. Liberman/Frieband to continue this discussion
List of places where flyers could be distributed was passed around and Board members volunteered to reach out to organizations where they have personal contacts.
4. Past President: B Waiess
Waiess represented MPC at memorial for Jennifer Rahn, former administrative secretary, held on Saturday, October 11 in Lansing.
5. Education and Training: Peter Wood (not present)
Clarification regarding who is eligible to teach: those teaching classes are required to be members of MPC.
6. Programs: Cynthia Hockett Not present; no report
7. Treasurer: M Rudy
Review of attachments sent to the Board:
(1) Networth: Down modestly over the past 2 years. Borrowing from development fund to finance 503c application.
(2) Cashflow: shows more than sufficient funds to pay bills
(3) Funds transmittal sheet: This has been in a process of revision as the new way to track income to summarize flow and receipt for all activities that generate money. The process should catch any discrepancies quickly. This is the new required procedure. Next step is to distribute the sheet to all who need it – including Rebecca Hatton re course registration
IFPE – brochures passed around for SF conference in Nov.
Note: Business for next meeting is the need to reconsider the issue of whether/how much to pay people who teach courses for MPC.
8. Certification: Liberman
Moving forward on 2 candidates.
9. Candidate Representative: Rudy – no report.
10. Committee Reports:
501(c)3: Reena Liberman
Application will go in this week to the government. Requesting another $1000 to cover legal fees and $400 application fee.
Hutchison motions, Larson seconds – motion to approve $1000. Passes unanimously. Appreciation expressed to Liberman for her efforts. Rudy introduced question of outreach to the community to recruit other donations once non-profit status is achieved.
Membership: Lisa Larson
Potentially have one new member. Emailed a set of potential new members to recruit.
- Ideas about a “benefits of membership” statement – Freiband can send some initial materials generated for the Wachtel conference.
- Clarified relationship between the Access program and membership.
- Ideas about ways to use the newsletter as a membership recruitment tool: eg, so that it could have a broad base for distribution, for example, to organizations who may have people interested in membership. For example, newsletter pieces regarding recent evidence in support of dynamic therapy. Plan to discuss with Barb Gamble.
- Larson is getting oriented to the process of registration of new members.
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
Ken Corbett coming Thursday March 12th. Unfortunately, date conflicts with other regional meetings. Dinner and presentation format.
Professional and Community Development: (vacant)
Website: Reena Liberman
Patrick at Fearless Networks is doing a good job.
All members need to register online to form the directory.
Elections: Marybeth Atwell
Nominations for the fall elections will be sent out electronically in the coming week.
CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim) no report.
Accreditation: Karen Baker
Registrar: Rebecca Hatton
Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister
Newsletter: Barbara Gamble
Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto
Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess
Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch
MPC Members-At-Large:
Marybeth Atwell MaryAnne Beltzman
Marilyn Frye Robert Hooberman
Ralph Hutchison Lisa Larson
Old Business/ New Business:
Recess of meeting called by D Klein at 10:06am
Recess is ended at 10:27am.
Liberman raised problem of consistent receipt of emails sent to different addresses: not all are getting the same email list – working to reconcile those issues to see if all board members are getting intended emails (please check spam and redirect).
For now, please send all Board correspondence to both email addresses for board issues:
Membership email addresses include:
mpcmembers@mpcpsa.org = Most inclusive: current members and people who are friends of the organization (eg, signed up on lists at events, but have not joined)
mpcbusiness@mpcpsa.org = only currently active members of the organization.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.