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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 2013

University Club

East Lansing, MI

October 20, 2013

Present: MPC Board members:: S. Freiband, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, , M. Rudy, E. Schmitt, R.Hooberman, J. Boyer, R. Liberman, C. Hockett, R.Hatton,

1. The minutes of the meeting of September 15, 2013 were approved unanimously.

2. President – David Klein

   a. Issue of unfilled positions: becoming urgent.

Burgermeister agreed to be editor of Bulletin.

Others vacant: Programs, PCD, CEU Chair, which Atwell is filling on an interim basis.

Programs most urgent. Rivette generously acting but is done after Wachtel conference.

More general problem of volunteerism.

b. Question of whether to have Board Mtg before January: it was decided communication would be by email unless

something urgent arises.

3. Programs: M. Rivette (interim) not present


Hooberman: described responsibilities of VP Programs. These were divided among Board members as follows, without anyone filling the VP position:

Hooberman will line up programs for 2014-15

Rudy & Wood will handle arrangements for the venues.

Hockett will be responsible for publicity (brochures & advertising)

Hooberman will communicate to the membership through email the need for a VP before the next Board meeting.

Still needed is someone to plan the conference for next year.

Conference: S Freiband reported on issues for upcoming conference: packets: training brochures, membership forms, extra bulletins, Wachtel material, info re organization. analysts & candidates, schedule of programs. eval form for CEUs.

There will be a book table w/ Wachtel books, Wood will bring books from library.

When participants register, they will be asked how they heard about the conference and if they would like to be on the MPC email list.

Liberman reported that approx 80 have registered for conference, many are non-members.

Rudy suggested using conference to generate publicity for MPC, will coordinate w/ Rivette.

Big committee doing a lot. Klein thanks to committee.

4. Membership: J Boyer

All membership will be paid through hard copy mail this year, not on the website, due to risk of being hacked.

Email will be sent to members reminding them to renew.

All will be returned to Boyer, not Rudy.

Liberman feels we can have secure online payments through PayPal by next year.

There are two hard mailing lists.

There is a need for a second email list. Current member list includes non members who have asked to be on list.

We need a members-only email list.

5. President-Elect: Sonya Freiband: no report

6. Past-President: Elizabeth Waiess: not present

7. Treasurer: Michael Rudy

Working with atty on nonprpofit status for MPC. We can save $$ if committee works on application form. Hutchison volunteered to assist with application.

Transfer of funds to investment accounts is in process.

The loan Rudy took in August to pay organizational bills has been repaid.

Net worth approx $40K, it is important to build membership.

Tax return for this year is done.

8. Certification: Reena Liberman

Nothing new since last month.

9. Education and Training: Peter Wood: not present

First committee meeting is Oct. 27, including candidate forum

10. Candidate Representative: There is currently not a candidate representative to the Board. Rudy volunteered to fill this position.

Committee Reports:

Website: Liberman reported that a dedicated server is needed to put video on website. Would increase monthly fee from $15 to $60-80/ month. Discussion of using a link to YouTube for now.

Accreditation: Karen Baker not present

Registrar: Rebecca Hatton: asked for clarification of which students in relational class have paid class fee. Rudy will clarify. Hatton will ask how people heard about the class, half are non-members.

Schmitt proposed that the increased fee paid by non-members be used to give a complimentary one year membership. Klein: consistent with current practice of giving Bulletin contributors a free one yr membership.

Hutchison & Schmitt moved that MPC offer a oneyear complimentary membership to nonmembers who enroll in a class, based on the increased class fee for nonmembers. The fee for subsequent classes taken in the same year would

be at the member rate. Hockett called the question. The motion was passed with two abstentions.

Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister: not present

Professional and Community Development: vacant

Newsletter: Barbara Gamble not present

Elections: Marybeth Atwell not present

Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto not present

Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess not present

Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch not present

CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim) not present

Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman

Will be Kathryn Zerbe, MD, specialist in women's issues and eating disorders. Believes will be March 20, 2014, date not yet confirmed by MPI.

New Business: Klein was asked to introduce today's presenter, R. Hatton, but felt it would be better for her to be introduced by someone who knows her to involve more people. Patricia Gibbs will introduce Hatton and be the moderator. For any presentation, the presenter can ask a person of their choice to introduce them and serve as the moderator.

Liberman suggested that Sarah Arvio, author of a book titled Night Thoughts, about her own analysis, give a presentation at the June Banquet. There was consensus of a preference to ask her to present at a monthly meeting instead. Liberman will follow up on obtaining more information from Arvi


The meeting was adjournedat 10:35 a.m..


Minutes respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary. Minutes taken by Cynthia Hockett.

Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.

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