MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 2016
Michigan League
Ann Arbor MI
November 20, 2016
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Alice Michael, Keri Warren, Debra Hutton
1. Secretary: D. Hutton
The minutes of the meeting of October 16, 2016 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband
Continuing Education Credits for Psychologists: Ralph Hutchison let the board know that APA is calling for another set of minor revisions. He estimates that it will be another 4 – 6 weeks to receive the certificate, and believes that the finalization of this will be pushed back to February 1st.. APA now has two mandated two statements on brochures. Doesn’t expect a problem. When the CEUs become implemented Ralph and Sonya will put together an evaluation form for the programs.
Support for AAPSW, which Karen Baker is chairing.
Motion for MCPP to approve to grant sponsorship and CE credits for AAPSW. Peter motioned, Rudy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
20 people attended the event which was comprised of seasoned professionals to graduate students. MCPP received money for the CEUs.
A motion was proposed to cancel the board meeting on March 19, 2017 which is the day of the symposium. Motion passed unanimously.
Ellen Toronto asked to resign from her position of Diversity Chair.
Ralph Hutchinson will write Diversity Policy, after which we will seek a new diversity chair, based on the policy.
Elections are coming up, and all organizations are finding a dearth of volunteers – including MCPP.
Mary Beth Atwell made a suggestion through Sonya to take leadership positions and break them down into tasks. MCPP might find that volunteers would be more amenable to signing up for a specific task. The hope would be that people might rise to leadership positions from this involvement. This proposal was endorsed by the board.
Available Positions– Training, Certifications, Programs, Member at Large
Discussions regarding MCPP’s position on political postings. Use the list serve to invite members to a discussion, would be seen as part of our mission – but not political posts.
Julianna is back in Michigan and able to help with ongoing work.
3. Past President:
D. Klein passed out schedule for March 19, 2017 MCPP Symposium. Growing your Practice, Your Career and Yourself.
$600 Grant for Symposium from Lovinger Memorial Symposium was approved.
MCPP would contribute $500 and the Foundation would cover the rest.
Priced low to encourage attendance. $20 MCPP, $30 for New Practitioners, $40 for Non-members
Sonya encouraged thinking through an advertising campaign. D.F needs info for Fliers
The Foundation has roughly $5,900 in assets. The fundraising letter has been mailed.
4. Education and Training: Gender and Sexuality Class may be rescheduled to a later date.
Peter has been taking Mary Beth Atwell’s place with overseeing of Social Work CEs at the meetings. Marilyn agreed to take on this task at the January, 2017 meeting which Peter cannot attend.
5. Programs: D Freiband passed out a budget for 2016/2017 Programs of $9,774 which may be reduced by a $1,300 donation from Sophie Lovinger Fund.
Room space in the Michigan League have been held for MCPP Scientific Meetings from Sept, 2017 through May, 2018.
A conflict exists on February 18, 2018 with the annual American Psychoanalytic Conference. Discussion as to whether this posed a problem with scheduling. Asked for others to report potential conflicts for next year.
A document that incorporates APA standards for presentations to receive CEUs will be given to presenters so that we are in compliance. 3 objectives for Sunday meetings is appropriate. Pamphlets need to reflect on the pamphlet that it is APA approved. Also, the program will need to have an evaluation component.
Ellen Toronto is interested in presenting in the next academic year. Ample Room for others.
6. Treasurer: Kerri Warren is putting together process/procedures documentations, to make them explicit and formalize how we do our business. Ralph needed to write procedures for APA CEUs. Paypall is now up and running.
7. Candidate Representative: Michael Rudy now has a candidate for an analysand. Needs three courses to graduate.
8. Committee Reports:
Sonya, on behalf of Lisa Larson who was unable to attend the board meeting, led a discussion regarding membership dues and fees.
Membership letters will be mailed soon and will include the $10 late fee for dues and certifications if received after January 1, 2017. New initiative to offer an Open House at Avalon Bakery – Liberty and 4th for drop in socializing/lunch on the first Wednesday of the month. This will be a new location but build on a program that was successful in the past.
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
Fred Busch on Tuesday Feb 28th at Mediterrano. MCPP will cover the speaker fee, and participants will cover their dinner.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Debra Hutton, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.