MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 2015
Michigan League
Ann Arbor, MI
November 15, 2015
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa
Larson, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Alice Michael, Debra Hutton
1. Secretary: A. Michael:
The minutes of the meeting of October 18, 2015 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband
- Welcome Debra Hutton as a new member at large
- Congratulations and formal welcome to David Freiband following his successful election as VP
- Reports that she sent a letter to analysts at MCPP to share the accomplishments of the Access
program over the past year, and shared some of these highlights with the Board. Quite
successful in many dimensions.
- LOGOS: Discussed options presented by E Medrow. Discussed aesthetics - general preference
for letters that fit under the arc, and for the “forward leaning” fonts - will ask Elaine to play with a
few more options, including a grey-shading of the arc.
3. President Elect: Vacant
4. Past President: D. Klein
- Noted the ad in the MH Networker by the group of relational analysts who had previously been
running their training meetings within MCPP. Discussion of the possible implications for MCPP,
and ways to seek a better understanding of this change - in particular, and as an example of the core
identity questions about the role of the organization and community needs it seeks to meet.
5. Treasurer: M Rudy
- update about the tax filing structure for this year: simplified to a “postcard”
- official name change with the State has been completed
- Net-worth: cash flow cycle noted, with sound foundation for current expenses.
- Rudy hired someone to help with organization/filing: and informed the Board of the file cabinet
that contain the financial history of the organization and day-to-day operations.
- Spending by category: 65% of spending is on Sunday meetings (rooms/food/advertising)
- income down/expenses up. Proposes Board-wide recruitment of membership this season- as
members are the largest source of income.
- Questions of payment of the IFPE affiliation. Discussed the meaning of the affiliation to our
organization - possible importance of maintaining and advertising it more broadly, as a
meaningful to recruit new members among recent graduates. Idea offered to add the affiliation to
the website and on other brochures. Talk to E Medrow, Joulianna about these steps.
6. Membership: L Larson
- Offered a tongue in cheek interest in nominating herself as “VP of cashet” : spoke to idea of
brand, need for more classes, question of how to convey “not knowing what you don’t know”
about the importance of psychoanalytic ideas to those who are not familiar. Briefly brainstormed
marketing ideas. Agreement that Larson, Hutton, possibly Wood to continue this conversation as
a committee.
- working to start an ongoing case consultation group through the Access program - to start in
- Ideas of branding the organization and its offerings, in part, as “transitional between the end of
school and beginnings of professional connections”, and as a deepening of treatment/kind of
- Membership issue regarding time-span of collection of annual fees (that is, how to handle it if
existing members don’t pay dues until fall, and then are billed again for the next calendar year in
January). Ideas about how to encourage ongoing membership by students for those who joined
late in this membership year.
7. Education and Training: vacant
S Freiband reports:
- Basic Concept class has 6 people enrolled. wheelchair access required. Consideration of the
larger issues of access and implications for finding places to meet. Question of churches or
libraries as options.
- Psychopathology, symptoms and assessment class: discussion of ideas about how to run this
8. Programs: David Freiband
- Presenters needed for Feb and May of 2016. Discussed ideas about papers/people for these
times. Also openings for next year.
- Hutton to ask whether Hanna Perkins colleagues could come up. Student forum possible in Feb.
an “open house” opportunity - although less probable given the E Lansing location. Additional
- Venues/cost savings report from Frye: MSU union rooms less costly than current options. Not
wired for sound. Briefly discussed issues/options.
9. Committee for CEUs for Psychologists:
Hutchison offered update on the CEUs for psychologist. Shared information on the process - APA
deadline for January 2016. Plans for actions that need to be taken, he will draft a paper version to
fill it out and asks for Board support in the process. Plan to have Hutchison send drafts to Board
members to continue the process in December/January before next meeting.
8. Certification: Liberman not present/no report
9. Candidate Representative: Rudy no report
10. Committee Reports:
501(c)3: Reena Liberman
Membership: Lisa Larson - see above
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
Andrea Celenza is the speaker this year. Continues to confirm details of meeting date and place.
Professional and Community Development: (vacant)
Website: Reena Liberman
Elections: Marybeth Atwell
SW CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)
Accreditation: Karen Baker
Registrar: Rebecca Hatton
Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister
Newsletter: Barbara Gamble
Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto
Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess
Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch
MPC Members-At-Large:
Marybeth Atwell MaryAnne Beltzman
Marilyn Frye Robert Hooberman
Ralph Hutchison, Debra Hutton, Lisa Larson
Old Business/ New Business:
Old Business: Brief update on Frye’s work to identify options for retreat locations: attractive
location near Novi. Ongoing need for Board members to take on the planning for the content of the
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to
Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.