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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes November 2010

Ann Arbor City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

November 14, 2010



MPC Executive Board members: Anderson, M., D. Freiband, S. Freiband, Hutchison, R., P. Orosan-Weine, M. Meisels, L. Pierce, M. Rudy, B. Waiess, J. Wixom, P. Wood

MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: M. Atwell, D. Drayson, R. Liberman, I. Schaer

I. President's Report - Murray Meisels

- Highlighted the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education

- Moved agenda to allow Reena to discuss website and distance learning

II. Secretary's Report – Laura Pierce for Diane Gartland

- The minutes for September 2010 were approved by the Board

III. Treasurer - Michael Rudy

-Submitted a hand out in the interest of time

-Discussed the need for a formal accounting structure

IV. Past President - Brenda Lepisto

- Provided handout in absentia; discussed by Jean

V. President Elect Beth Waiess

- Discussed illnesses within MPC

VI. VP for Education and Training Report - Peter Wood

- Discussed issues with class enrollment

- Tabled discussion of books

VII. VP for Programs Report - Jean Wixom

- Discussed conference results

- Murray volunteered to chair 2011 banquet

- Discussed conflicts in schedules with other organizations

- It was decided to send Lynne Tenbusch a get well fruit arrangement

VIII. VP for Certification Report - Pamela Orosan-Weine

- Needs secretarial assistant with computer skills

A motion was made and carried to provide $300 to hire a temporary secretary with computer skills to develop online certification and file cabinet

Committee Reports

IX. Website and Distance Learning – Reena Liberman

- Mary Anderson provided report on Bridge Line

-Discussed financial and practical issues and options of website, listserv

-Reena is handing off distance learning to Peter Wood and Kerry Kelly Novick

-Board and visitors expressed heartfelt appreciation for Reena's hard work on these topics

A motion was made and carried to have a backend file cabinet on the website

A motion was made and carried to have an online directory on the website with password access

A motion was made and carried to have an online referral system open to the public, to include only names, contact information, and specializations, with an opt-in or -out function

X. Membership - Laura Pierce

- Membership = 108

- Email will go out to find alum liaisons

XI. Elections- Marybeth Atwell

- Discussed election issues

XII. Old business

- None

XIII. New business

- Discussed requesting a meeting with the board

Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.

Recording Secretary

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