MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 2016
Michigan League
Ann Arbor MI
May 15, 2016
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Maryanne Beltzman, Alice Michael, Keri Warren, Marilyn Frye
1. Secretary: A. Michael
The minutes of the meeting of April 20, 2016 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband
Retreat/banquet planning:
Beltzman: review of practical details (Board meeting 12-2pm; Retreat 2:30 -5pm; restaurant at 6pm). Reservations are in place for the venues (approx 20-30pp estimated for dinner)
Content planning: Brief brainstorm of topics (vision/mission)
growth of psychotherapists - personal and professional
- how to become analysts
- what psychoanalysis means to each of us
- what we want from the organization
- “self study” of the organization -
- Vision quest: being heroic in the world
- organizational story to be shared (where the organizational mission is now)
- name change reflective of organizational change - evolution
- loss and growth within the organization
- update of the business model - training as it was/as it is now
- British vs french model - british=prescribed/french = learn as you wish (we have evolved to be more as the french/ this a a part of our vision?)
- what would you tell your candidate self? your pre-candidate self?
Update/Advertising for support staff needs:
-R Liberman reports that web development company has been a good match/more efficient and effective. Question of using existing secretarial supports vs seeking alternate resources. Discussed particulars of the supports needed under current conditions. Decision to continue as current - and pay rates would change depending the service being offered - M Rudy to discuss this with Jouilanna.
Supplies: Cynthia Hockett is storing items collected when J Rahn stopped working with MPC. Discussed the supplies that need to be relocated (or disposed of). Raised question of the archives of the organization more generally - M Rudy has a file cabinet that contains financial records along with other archival records. Presidents books exist and S Freiband has them on hand. Hockett will bring the materials to the retreat in June to be dispersed.
Foundation: Liberman with a brief update, via Klein - she needs to step down from running the foundation. Need to find someone to direct the board of the foundation and pursue its own mission. (Klein, Wood, Liberman, Hockett, S Freiband current members of this board). President would be in charge of directing the board and consider fundraising activities. The Board of the foundation will plan to meet and discuss.
3. President Elect: vacant
4. Past President: D. Klein — no report
5. Treasurer: M Rudy
Reviewed that our financial status puts MCPP in a brief filing category with the IRS
Insurance policy renewed/brief review — does not cover willful acts, does cover accidents
Networth = fairly stable, reviewed details
Cashflow = year to date, down 1k. Membership and retreat income estimated to balance this out.
Transaction report : communications between membership and treasurer is going well.
Introduced and welcomed Dr Keri Warren as potential incoming treasurer.
6. Membership: L Larson
93 paid members currently - some new recruits are planning to attend the meeting today
25 unpaid members - discussing renewal for those who haven’t yet - Hooberman will do outreach to a few members to inquire about renewal.
Newsletter is coming along
Raised the need to clarify, and perhaps amend the fee schedule for different types of membership - esp between regular membership vs early career vs student feeds. Board requested that Larson generate a proposal to present for next meeting.
First 3 years post-graduation = $40
7. Education and Training: vacant
P. Wood will teach the Developmental sequence next year
K. Ahbel-Rappe will run the case conference
D. Klein plans to teach a course on Shakespeare
8. Programs: D Freiband
Freiband was able to change the location of one speaker for next year to E Lansing to offer more balanced presentations between AA and E Lansing.
Presented a budget for the Lovinger Fund to cover expenses for child/adolescent speaker today.
Letter to Brenda Lepisto from the Board to express gratitude to the Lovinger fund to be sent.
9. Certification: Liberman not present/no report
10. Candidate Representative: Rudy
Expressed gratitude to P Wood from the candidates & shared a plan to formalize this.
10. Committee Reports:
501(c)3: Reena Liberman
Membership: Lisa Larson
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
Hooberman had an exchange with Mark Hirsch (MPI) who proposed the idea of combining the presentations (eg, to offer jointly between MPI and MCPP) to shorten the visiting professor week. Hooberman declined the invitation to combine the MCPP meeting with MPI.
Professional and Community Development: (vacant)
Website: Reena Liberman
Elections: Marybeth Atwell
CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)
Accreditation: Karen Baker
Registrar: Rebecca Hatton
Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister
Newsletter: Barbara Gamble
Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto
Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess
Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch
MPC Members-At-Large:
Marybeth Atwell MaryAnne Beltzman
Marilyn Frye Robert Hooberman
Ralph Hutchison , Debra Hutton, Lisa Larson
Old Business/ New Business:
Hutton returned to the idea of planning a happy hour - surveyed the group for availability and interest, and will aim to put out an open invitation for a Friday evening soon.
Meeting adjourned at 10:25am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.