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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 2015

Michigan League 

 Ann Arbor, MI

May 17, 2015

9am – 10:30am

Present: David Klein, Reena Liberman, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Sonya Freiband, Peter Wood, Alice Michael, Ralph Hutchison, Cynthia Hockett, Marybeth Atwell,, Joulianna Kwasnik (admin asst), [Carole Symer and Jane Hassinger present from 10-10:30am]

1.  Secretary: A. Michael The minutes of the meeting of April 17, 2015 were approved.

2.  President: D. Klein

As last board meeting of the year, Klein expressed his appreciation for the efforts and energies of the members, and briefly acknowledged the outgoing members. Reviewed the departures in membership within the board (Klein, (becomes past president), Liberman, Wood, Hockett, Beltzmann, Atwell).

Last event of the year: Banquet in June. Raffle prizes being recruited. Acknowledgement of candidate discussed. Appreciation expressed for the venue.

C Symer & J Hassinger to join the meeting at 10am to discuss the supervision group proposal.

Ad in Dining for Kids came out/passed around.

By Laws Election is coming along well.

3.  President Elect: S. Freiband

Clarified the outline of issues to be raised regarding the proposal to run a relational supervision group.

Access program currently offers supervision to 5 individuals. Discussion of purposes of Access program and ways to make use of it.

Continues to encourage new membership/board membership.

Discussion of how to sort out the duties for the fall in un-filled roles. Programs and courses as the two major concerns. Nominations for individuals who may be interested in these tasks.

 4. Past President: B Waiess (not present) no report

5. Education and Training: Peter Wood

 Academic year has concluded. Wood has done some work to set the course offerings for next year, in particular thinking about the Basic Concepts in Psychoanalysis - and who to enlist to teach it in the fall.

 6.  Programs: Cynthia Hockett

 Programs are filled through March 2016. April and May (child meeting) not filled. Waiess is presenting in October. L. Larson noted that J Brandell has 2 students that could present papers, preferably in the fall - discussion of the possibility of running this as a special program, perhaps at St Joes. APCSW and MPC could perhaps collaborate to hold the event. Discussion of the wisdom of the timing of events and use of limited resources. Hooberman confirmed that St Joes can be the venue for regular meetings in Ann Arbor starting fall 2016.

 7.  Treasurer: M Rudy (not present)

 Liberman updated the board on PayPal expenses, which ran roughly $250 for Sept - April. Plan to revisit and clarify with M Rudy.

8.  Certification: Liberman

 David Freiband is officially welcomed as an analyst member. Motion; “I moved to approve David Freiband as certified psychoanalyst in MPC.” Unanimously approved by the board.

 9.  Candidate Representative: Rudy not present: no report

 10. Committee Reports:

 501(c)3Reena Liberman

 First meeting of the Board of the foundation will be at 1pm this afternoon. Foundation account is up and running and Access payment has been working well.

 Membership: Lisa Larson

 4 new members since last month, 2 psychiatrists. Reviewed numbers of members, and outreach reminders for unpaid members. A new member has expressed interest in initiating in activities within MPC, regarding cinema or other study groups. He will be put in touch with Liberman re: cinema interests.

Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman

 Brief discussion of the success of the evening and the venue.

 Andrea Celenza PhD (Boston/ sexual boundary violations/erotic life) is the visiting professor for next year.

 Professional and Community Development: (vacant)

Website: Reena Liberman

 Updates on the website and facilitating Joulianna’s taking over some of the website administration, which is going well. Person contracted to help with web troubleshooting is intermittent in his availability.

 Elections: Marybeth Atwell

 By Laws election is proceeding smoothly online. CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim) Accreditation: Karen Baker

Registrar: Rebecca Hatton

 Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister

 Newsletter: Barbara Gamble

 Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto

Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess

Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch

 MPC Members-At-Large: Marybeth Atwell, MaryAnne Beltzman, Marilyn Frye, Robert Hooberman, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson

 Old Business/ New Business:

Carole Symer and Jane Hassinger attended the Board meeting to share their vision for a relational supervision group, which they intend to offer within the Access program. Discussion of the vision for the group and practical issues of recruitment and enrollment. Currently envisioned as running with an initial 6 month commitment (size between 6-10 members; both early career and in agencies where this offering would not be available). Brief review of history of ruptures within MPC and the current mutual investment in addressing tensions and avoiding fractures within the organization as we collaborate on new ventures. Agreed to move forward with the group, identified a sub-group (Freiband) to continue the conversation and set the frame for initiating the group (eg, fee contributed by Access, ways the group will offer information to members about MPC, etc).

Meeting adjourned at 10:3 am.

 NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.

 Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.

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