MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 2008
University ClubEast Lansing, Michigan
May 18, 2008
MPC Executive Board members: K. Baker, J. Brandell, A. Brickman, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, R. Liberman, R. Rosenthal, M. Stirling-Doherty, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, J. Wixom
MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives, Candidate Representative, Administrative Secretary:
E. Toronto, M. Meisels, K. Sorrell, S. Wasung, P. Wood, K. Pratt, B. Meisels, J.Rahn.
I. Recording Secretary’s Report – Beth Waiess for Diane Gartland – Minutes from April 20 meeting were approved with corrections
II. Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty submitted her end-of-the –year report. Assets stand at $71,502.92.
III. President’s Report: Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto
A. A letter from MPS signed by Steven Nicholoff was presented in which a formal proposal was made for reciprocal promotion of MPS and MPC major conferences by electronic communication to memberships.
A motion was made and carried to have reciprocal promotion of MPS and MPC major conferences via electronic communication to memberships.
B. Flowers have been sent to Janet Robinson, whose mother died recently. An orchid has been sent to Edward Gibeau, whose parents died recently.
C. Hugh McPherson has resigned from coordinating CE paperwork. Kay Pratt volunteered to assume responsibilities for coordinating CE paperwork. Kay Sorrell volunteered to be on Kay Pratt’s committee.
D. The Board thanks outgoing board members Reena Liberman and Hugh McPherson for all of their work and time contributed to MPC.
E. Brenda requested volunteers to organize the 20th anniversary party, which will be held in June 2009 in Ann Arbor. Ellen Toronto volunteered to chair the committee, T. Bernardez and B. Meisels will be on the committee. Thank you Ellen.
F. The Board book was supposed to be in place by May 2008. A motion was made and carried to extend the date for completion of the Board book. Kay Sorrell volunteered to be chairperson of a committee formed to complete the Board book.
G. Brenda expressed concerns about the board listserv and privacy. She proposed that an ad hoc committee be formed to investigate privacy issues, etiquette, how the listerv should be used and what kind of business to conduct on the listserv. Reena Liberman and Art Brickman volunteered to be on the committee.
IV. VP for Training and Education – Robert Hooberman. Report delivered by Ruth Rosenthal. David Freiband was presented to the board for candidacy for the program in adult psychoanalysis. A motion was made and carried that David Freiband be accepted into the program.
V. VP for Certification – Ruth Rosenthal
A. On May 2, Diane Gartland said the Bruce Klein and Kay Pratt were voted on electronically and were passed for certificates of completion in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Both will receive their certificates June 2008 in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
B. Five members were recommended by the Training and Education committee to be certified as child analysts. Brenda Lepisto, Ira Schaer, Kerry Kelly Novick, Jack Novick and David Klein. Brenda Lepisto handed the gavel over to Jerry Brandell for the vote on her certification.
Approved: 10 opposed 0
Ira Schaer, Kerry Kelly Novick, Jack Novick and David Klein
Approved 10 Opposed 0 1 Abstaining
Ruth was thanked for completing the work involved in getting the certifications ready for board approval within a month’s time.
VI. Membership: Elizabeth Waiess
A. 3 new members and 2 candidates would be attending the New Member Luncheon, and a total of 24 members would be attending.
A motion was made and carried to reduce the analyst certification renewal fee for retired analysts to $50.
VII. VP for Programs: Karen Baker
It has been a good year; Programs might end the year under budget. Joseph Lichtenberg will be here for the conference on October 17 and 18, 2008. A number of papers have been submitted for consideration for next year. There was discussion regarding the smaller turnout for Detroit meetings.
VIII. PCD: Peter Wood
Peter is stepping down as Chair this coming year. He will send an end of the year report to the Board. There were 5 PCD classes this past year, geographically spread. There are 4 classes in place for next year. A chair is needed in order to make those classes become a reality.
IX. Old business: Reena Liberman (website)
The original company rescinded their proposal for a new website. Elaine Medrow, Peter Wood and Reena have been re-doing the website. A sample of what is being worked on was distributed to the Board members. There were many compliments on the developing vision for the website.
X. New Business: Jennifer Rahn was introduced to the Board by Brenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Waiess, PsyDFor Diane M. GartlandRecording Secretary