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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 2016

Michigan League

Ann Arbor MI

March 20, 2016

9am – 10:30am

Present:   Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Maryanne Beltzman, Alice Michael, Debra Hutton, Peter Wood, Michael Rudy

1.  Secretary:  A. Michael

The minutes of the meeting of February 21, 2016 were approved.


2. President:  S. Freiband

- is new web address for the organization.  associated changes to be made overtime.

-    update on secretarial needs of the organization and issues: Liberman indicates the organization needs are primarily for “CMS support”, administrative tasks, and help with web administration as well as secretarial tasks.   Discussion of organizational needs and a direction for current efforts in finding a new person.

-    Advertising brainstorming - D Hutton will investigate options for advertising in local venues.

Retreat Planning:

            Broad discussion of the possible preparation for, and uses of retreat time (including: survey of membership re teaching/leadership opportunities, offering encouragement/training to those who may be interested and new to teaching, thoughts about “teaching” in a flexible way across contexts and who is eligible to teach within the organization - idea of “the future of MCPP” more generally, “How I became an analyst” personal narratives, the question of outreach to members around the perimeter of the organization, or focus on the core of the organization, and the relative importance of “self study” vs “feed ourselves”)

Beltzman - practicalities of the organizational demands, room reservations for “break out” sessions.   Freiband - programs future/outside speaker ideas/conferences. 

Rudy:  look at the mission - reworking of the vision / what draws us in

A general consensus around an unspoken part of our vision - wish for community/fellowship, and the retreat as an opportunity to do so - possibly through morning and afternoon break-out topical sessions (perhaps aimed at different audiences - core vs everyone?).

Wood, Klein, Rudy, Michael to discuss and pull something together - to generate a proposal for the retreat - to run it by the board prior to next meeting.

Retreat Logistics: Date - June 4

-    UM Henderson room is available, and is the most reasonable $420 rate.  Discount for staff rate? D Freiband - will inquire.    Palmer commons rooms may be an option for small break out sessions, Hutton to inquire.

-    mediterrano or pazanos for banquet.  $40 pp roughly

-    Save the Date to happen now for membership: S Freiband to send out.

3.  President Elect: vacant

4.   Past President:  D. Klein

Relayed report from Liberman re new company working with us on the website maintenance - a positive development.

Directory:  idea of putting out a print directory instead of online directory -

several people find it useful.  Online directory important for therapy referrals, issues of cost, online vulnerability. 

Hooberman: Motion to authorize $1,000 to facilitate the online development of the membership list.  Hutton seconded.  Unanimously passed.  Agreed to continue to discuss print directory.

5.  Treasurer:  M Rudy

75% of our expenses are going toward the Sunday meetings.   Review of these priorities.

6. Education and Training:  vacant

S Freiband:  Course is starting this week on symptoms, taught by M. Rivette 

She working on the fall programming currently.

7Programs: D Freiband

2016-17 Programs schedule is almost full.

Discussed ideas for open slots: student conference is appealing, time open is Feb in EL open for next year.

He plans to offer members the listing for next year’s presenters at the spring meetings.

Informed the Board of a proposal to B Lepisto regarding funding of M Barrett’s expenses to come offer the talk in May - awaiting a response.

8. Certification:  Liberman

9.  Candidate Representative:  Rudy         

10.  Committee Reports:

501(c)3: Reena Liberman 

Membership: Lisa Larson

65 members who have renewed (up from 41 last month)

? what to do regarding those who have not yet renewed their membership (member list of  n=120)

? plan to send additional membership letter to remind those who have not yet paid.

-    newsletter ideas: shared thoughts about doing so online through templates, topics including a place for membership announcements, summaries of relevant news from other sources, book reviews, source of community

-    will continue to explore details of bringing a newsletter to life online.


Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman

Reported that the event was well attended, nice venue (42 people). 

Foundation should be billed to cover student expenses next year.

Professional and Community Development: (vacant)

Website: Reena Liberman

Elections: Marybeth Atwell 

CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)

Accreditation: Karen Baker

Registrar: Rebecca Hatton

Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister

Newsletter: Barbara Gamble

Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto

Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess

Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch

MPC Members-At-Large:  

Marybeth Atwell  MaryAnne Beltzman

Marilyn Frye  Robert Hooberman

Ralph Hutchison , Debra Hutton,  Lisa Larson 

Old Business/ New Business:  None

Meeting adjourned at 10:35am. 


NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.


Note:  it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members.  Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.

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