MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 2011
University Club
East Lansing, Michigan
March 20, 2011
MPC Executive Board members: Anderson, M., Freiband, D., Freiband, S., Gartland, D., Hutchison, R., Lovegrove-Lepisto, B., Meisels, M., Orosan-Weine, P., Pierce, L., Rudy, Waiess, B., Wood, P.
MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: Jennifer Rahn
I. Secretary's Report - Diane Gartland
- February meeting minutes approved
-A motion was made and carried to approve $500 for invited guests for the Visiting Professor Program. Approval was initially given through internet correspondence.
II. Treasurer's Report - Michael Rudy
-Provided clarification of income and expenses. Current assets total $63,996.86.
III. President's Report - Murray Meisels
-A motion was made and carried that there be no charge for the annual June banquet for Board and committee members, teachers and students in their courses or for presenters and discussants over the past year.
- Withdrew proposal for an auction for the annual dinner. Invitations will be sent out via email. The menu will consist of a choice between chicken, salmon and vegan meals.
-It was noted that there will not be a quorum for the April meeting. Some concern over the inclusion of Oakland Cty. residents was expressed regarding the holding of meetings. A motion was made and carried that the April meeting of the Board is cancelled. The next meeting will be held on May 15, 2011 in East Lansing.
IV. Past President - Brenda Lepisto
-discussed the May paper presentation which will be a collaborative effort between the Sophie L. Lovinger Memorial Foundation and the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council and which will feature paper presenters from four different regions. There will be a book sale of Dr. Lovinger's books for the benefit of the fund.
-discussed a proposal to invite analysts from overseas for the 2012 October conference and to hold it as collaborative effort with the Association of Play Therapy.
V. President Elect - Beth Waiess
-discussed having MPC authors sell their books at monthly presentations. The proposal was adopted and will commence immediately.
VI. VP for Education and Training Report - Peter Wood
-T and E will be preparing courses for next year. A discussion ensued about the structure of the program.
VII. VP for Programs Report
-No report
VIII. VP for Certification Report - Pamela Orosan-Weine
- discussed difficulties reconciling portions of the policy handbook, certification issues, etc. There will be ongoing attention to integrating, coordinating and clarifying overlapping training requirement documents.
Committee Reports
IX. Membership - Laura Pierce
-No report
X. Elections -
-No report. Ballots have gone out
XI. PDC - Sonya Freiband
-discussed organizing courses and the usefulness of the fee incentive for teachers.
XII. Strategic Planning - Michael Rudy
-discussed possibly having a "Business of Practice" conference in October next year with presenter(s) discussing various business aspects of setting up and maintaining an analytic practice.
XII. Old business
- None
XIII. New business
- Jennifer Rahn discussed the fact that the general mailing list is different than the membership list and the mailing list is not up to date. It was agreed that recipients should be dropped from the mailing list if their material is returned to sender with no forwarding address.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Gartland, Psy.D.
Recording Secretary