MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 2013
Home of David and Sonya Freiband
Ann Arbor, MI
June 2, 2013
Present, MPC Board members: M. Atwell, D. Freiband, S. Freiband, M. Frye, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, M. Rivette, M. Rudy, E. Waiess, P. Wood. Past President: M. Meisels. Members: R. Liberman, E. Toronto, J. Boyer, C. Hockett
Approval of agenda
1. The minutes of the meeting of May 19, 2013 were approved unanimously.
2. Treasurer -Michael Rudy
- There are no big changes since last month’s report.
- Courses income diminished significantly over the last several years. Membership income has been steady. Meetings expenses, about $300 each, have generally increased a bit.
- When we made a change about policies about splitting fees (course teachers), we got less for courses.
- Rudy believes we could do better with our investments/portfolio; it is not keeping up with inflation. Discussion: investment strategies; a finance committee to work with Rudy; Coordinating management and use of funds with the organization’s mission; Rudy willing to come to board with a proposal.
- Klein moved and Wood seconded that the Board authorize Rudy to set in place a structure that would enable the diversification of our funds and developing an investment strategy. No action was taken on the motion.
- Rudy will proceed to contact advisor about forming a non-profit, to which members could put funds (charitable giving, tax deductions) and to be eligible for outside funding such as grants.
- Rudy moved and S. Freiband seconded that funds (max. $500) be allocated to Rudy and the finance committee to get expert advice on what is needed to establish a 501©3 (tax-exempt charitable organization) connected to MPC. The motion passed unanimously.
3. President - Elizabeth Waiess
- The twenty-fifth anniversary of MPC is on Dec 3, 2013. It would be appropriate to do something to celebrate, commemorate. Maybe connected with the January meeting.
4. Past President – Murray Meisels no report
5. President Elect – David Klein – no report
6. Education and Training – Peter Wood
- Brochures are in the mail for the psychotherapy program. e-mail blasts will go out. Regular course brochure is in final state of preparation and will go out soon.
- Wood moved and Rivette seconded that the MPC Accreditation Committee engage with the ACPE accreditation process, producing a draft application document, to explore whether MPC can reach agreement with ACPE on accreditation standards. The motion passed: 9 yea, 1 abstention.
7. Programs – Michelle Rivette
- For the coming year, there were two more requests to present than there are program slots for. If the Waters event is not scheduled as the May “child” event then May is still open. Discussion of scheduling a certification candidate whose paper would be on a child case, for the May meeting.
- Discuss dates for Waters program.
- What Waters will cost us and whether we can afford it, given the size of her draw. ($1K was earmarked, 3 yrs ago, for a child program.) We can apply to the Sophie Lovinger Fund for funds.
8. Certification – Sonya Freiband
- Good that there have been a few people certified lately, and two more in the pipeline. A good trend.
9. Committee Reports
- Retreat: Atwell. A good event. The one-day format was good
- Elections – Marybeth Atwell
Move that we confirm Cynthia Hockett’s appointment as a member-at-large, ’12-‘15. Klein seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Klein and Reena Liberman are still discussing what happens to the Bulletin next year.
Progress is happening but is slow. A good technician is on it.
Beth Waiess has scanned all of the Board minutes and they are going on the website Library.
- Social Action: no report
- : no report
- Newsletter:
$1o Barb Gamble would like to know if we want get a newsletter out in July. Discussion: Did shift to electronic, did this have an effect on its appeal, value in the organization? A link to our last newsletter was put on our Facebook page. Should we make the newsletter annual instead of twice a year? By consensus the board decided to go ahead with a newsletter issued in Summer 2013.
$1o Content of next newsletter: Wood will write up some of the training programs for next year. A write-up about Sherick could go in (a bio on the Allen Preschool site). Suggest to Barb that she holds off the July newsletter. S Freiband and Atwell will write a report on the retreat. Rudy will write about the treasury. D. Freiband will write about the courses that ran this year.
- Parliamentarian & Bylaws: no report
- Strategic Planning: no report
$1· Bylaw Committee. no report
$1· Library Committee – no report
10. New Business - none
The meeting was adjournedat 11:13 a.m..
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn Frye, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.