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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 2010

Maumee Bay Resort and Conference Center

Maumee, Ohio

June 6, 2010



MPC Executive Board members: A. Brickman, S. Freiband, D. Gartland, R. Hutchison, P. Orosan-Weine, M. Meisels, M. Stirling-Doherty, B. Waiess, J. Wixom

MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: M. Atwell, K. Baker, T. Bernardez, J. Gutfreund, C. Hockett, R. Liberman, L. Tenbusch, E. Toronto


I. Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland

- The minutes for May 2010 were approved by the Board.

II. Treasurer’s Report - Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty

- Current MPC assets are: Operating fund - $17,746.98, Anne Cunningham Library Fund - $3753.07, Development Fund - $35,579.93 for a total of $59,079.98. Ms. Stirling-Doherty submitted budget materials comparing income/expenses over the years that she has served as treasurer.

III. President’s Report – Murray Meisels

- Thanks and congratulates outgoing Treasurer Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty for her service and outgoing Members at Large Art Brickman and Sue Zager for their service. Dr. Meisels welcomes incoming treasurer Michael Rudy and Members at Large Laura Pierce and David Freiband.

-Reviewed and updated committee list and current chairs.

A motion was made and carried to establish a social action committee. Ellen Toronto will be the chair of this committee.

IV. Past President - Brenda Lepisto - no report 

V. President Elect Beth Waiess

- Discussed the role of research and how "evidence based" policy impacts psychoanalysis.

VI. VP for Education and Training Report - Peter Wood - no report

VII. VP for Programs Report - Jean Wixom

Discussion of summer institute tabled to September

- Program calendar for 2010-11 is filled

- Discusses Richard Hertel's proposal for faculty development

VIII. VP for Certification Report - Pamela Orosan-Weine

Committee Reports 

VII. Retreat/PCD committees - Sonya Freiband

-Dr. Freiband was congratulated on her work organizing the retreat. She also thanked members of her committee for their work.

-There is some difficulty filling classes for Professional and Committee Development

-Discusses the addition of a three part seminar on gender roles taught by Jane Hassinger in preparation for Dr. Corbett's conference in October.

-Submitted information on the PCD/training advertising budget and a proposal for 2010-11.

VIII. Distance Learning/Website - Reena Liberman - No report

IX.  Membership - Laura Pierce

-Submitted a budget proposal for the coming year.

A motion was made and carried for the membership budget to be $4000 for the coming year, $2000 of which will be taken out of the development fund.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.

Recording Secretary

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