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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2020

The University of Michigan

North Campus Pierpont Commons

Ann Arbor, MI




Sonya Freiband, Eve Avrin, Lisa Larson, Karen Weber, Mary Nowack, Shil Sengupta

President’s Report – Peter, by Sonya

Peter spoke with Alytia Levendosky, the clinical director at MSU, to bolster training in both of our programs. They would like to provide some opportunities to present modern research as it applies to psychodynamic psychotherapy, neuroscience, and clinical applications of attachment theory.  Alytia may be open to presentations by MCPP analysts and psychotherapists as well.

Kasia Guernsey was contacted about doing secretarial work for MCPP.  The board discussed ideas about what would be appropriate tasks for her to do.  Her charge is $20.00 an hour.

The board discussed the ways in which the MCPP listserv should be used.  Such as advertising training opportunities through other organizations, congratulatory emails and self-promotion.  Various concerns were discussed.  The board explored ideas on how we might screen listserv emails.  The consensus was that we should create some type of approval process when people are interested in disseminating information via MCPP’s listserv.  There will be further discussion on how to do this, who would be in charge of the approval process and what type of content is appropriate.

Financial Report – Eve

Cash flow and balance report for the last month from MCPP accounts, paypal and Schwab portfolio investments was distributed.  The financials are in good shape.  In the financial report.  The amount donated to MCPP totaled over $4000

Membership – Lisa

Membership is approximately 110 members.  There are still some people who have not renewed.  How to best reach these people was discussed.  Lisa will send out personalized letters to previous members which will include a reminder of the benefits MCPP has to offer.  She will send one more general renewal notice as well.

If Kasia were to be hired, the board talked about things she could help with regarding membership.

Eve and Lisa will coordinate any checks that are received. 

Education – Sonya

Sonya reported that classes are going well.  Two more segments are left for the year.  It was agreed that we will award students a certificate of completion at the banquet like we did last year. 

Ralph and Rebecca’s interest in giving a presentation in Monroe was tabled for now.

Ideas about future presenters for monthly meetings and possibly a symposium were discussed.  There is a lot of interest in neuroscience as it relates to psychoanalytic and psychodynamic treatment. 

Old business

Use of the listserv to communicate with other members regarding reactions to presentations was discussed per Brian’s request.  It was decided that this is fine for those who wish to participate.


New Business

Nothing additional

 Submitted by Karen Weber

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