MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2017
University Club
East Lansing, MI
January 15, 2017
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Debra Hutton
1. Secretary: D. Hutton
The minutes of the meeting of November 20, 2016 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband clarified to the board that our APA Certification for Continuing Education Credits expires in September, 2017, and that we will need to reapply over the summer. MCPP is coordinating with Ralph Hutchison to ensure that we are formatting our programming, and advertising to meet APA standards to ensure a renewal.
Spring Banquet: The date of June 3, 2017 is being held for the banquet. Marilyn is looking into venues and will reach out to Peter and Mary Beth for assistance, as this year the banquet will be held in East Lansing. The possibility of having a presentation was also met with enthusiasm.
Access Report: as of now the MCPP Access program is being utilized by 5 supervisees.
3. Past President: D. Klein was absent, and Debra Hutton provided an update regarding the March Symposium. David has secured the speakers for the 2 panels as well as 16 breakout sessions. Objectives for the symposium will be for the entire day with the symposium offering 5 CE credits for both social workers and psychologists. Robert Hooberman offered to write the objectives. The board voted on the two lunch entrée options to be offered, with the selection being Chicken Tikka and Baby Spinach and Garlic Ravioli. A Save the Date is planned to be sent within the week, with the brochure mailing and registration email in to be sent in mid-February.
4. Education and Training: Peter Wood and Peg Sweet’s development class has been well attended with 9 participants. Jane Hassinger has expressed interest in teaching the Gender course but has not provided Sonya with dates. Lynn Tennebush will considering teaching the Gender Course should Jane not be available. At the moment, the scheduling and instructor for the Gender course is still TBD.
5. Programs: D Freiband has contacted Brenda Lepisto to request funding from the Sophie Lovinger Memorial Foundation for the May meetings which focus on child treatment and/or themes. With this support, we would be able to attract presenters from outside the area. Additionally, the suggestion to bring in a single presenter for the 2018 symposium was proposed. Brochures for the meetings have been restructured to include the verbiage required by APA to grant CE credits for psychologists. Requested help in finding presenters for the 2017/18 year, especially in Lansing.
6. Treasurer: Keri Warren was not present. Michael Rudy (past treasurer) states that membership revenue is being received. He suggests that the investment portfolio mix be revisited to see if we want a more conservative mix of investments.
7. Candidate Representative: Michael Rudy has secured supervision for his analytic case with the help of Sonya Freiband.
8. Committee Reports:
Membership: Lisa Larson reports that we have 67 membership renewals which is an increase from last year at this time. Additionally, she has been working on “cleaning up” the mailing list, with the positive results of fewer returned brochures. She will send out a renewal reminder email and will request address updates. Another lunch open house is planned.
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman is in charge of the visiting professor dinner and presentation. Fred Busch is this year’s presenter and the venue remains the same at Mediterrano.
Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto no longer wishes to be the chair of gender and diversity. This position needs to be filled before the September 2017 APA renewal. The position description will be developed, and then volunteers will be solicited.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Debra Hutton, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.