MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2014
Michigan League
Ann Arbor, MI
January 19, 2014
Present: MPC Board members:: D. Klein, S. Freiband, R. Hutchison, M. Rudy, R.Hooberman, R. Liberman, R.Hatton, A. Michael, C. Hockett.
1. The minutes of the meeting of October 20, 2013 were approved unanimously.
2. President – David Klein
a. Experiment with accelerated meeting format in order to have a broader conversation in the second ½ of the meeting.
b. Review of presidential goals: (1) grow membership numbers
(2) create low-fee supervision structure
(3) work towards non profit status
Additional issues that require attention:
- issues of volunteerism – chairs needed for several committees
- quoting P Wood: the question of “the future of the courses in light of the dearth of candidates”
3. Membership: Janet Boyer (not present), report by Liberman:
a. currently 68 paid-up members for 2014, 25 reminder emails to send out.
b. question of where we are at the curve for membership at this time of year
c. Freiband suggested follow up with attendees for of the Wachtel conference who are not members to invite them to join. Liberman and Freiband will collaborate to send out a ‘recruitment’ email to non-members.
4. Education and Training: Liberman
a. Update of Policy Handbook: The last revision by Hooberman (with very useful revisions done at that time), small committee is working towards additional refinement/clarification.
Question: do revisions need to be viewed and approved by the Board? Klein says Board is final arbiter and will review changes prior to distribution.
Process: committee meeting in Feb to review and approve changes, and then send to Board for approval.
Question: Do these changes need to be coordinated with the accreditation committee? Determined that the policy handbook updates may need to move forward prior to resolution of accreditation issues. Liberman will send changes to Karen Baker to facilitate coordination/keep accreditation committee apprised.
Reporting on behalf of M Atwell:
(2) courses aimed at the community at large.
5. Programs: Freiband
a. Generally positive response to the fall conference (Wachtel).
b. Klein: fall symposium next year?
Shared recent email from B Lepisto regarding the S. Lovinger operating budget and possible contributions to May/future programs this year.
c. Hockett: Announced her willingness to serve as VP Programs (alongside help from Hooberman and Atwell. Board expressed its gratitude and pleasure!
6. Treasurer: Michael Rudy
- Reports sent via email yesterday.
(1) net worth: close to where always been (50k). Information related to where we are in specifics year over year will be forthcoming.
(2) Investment accounts have been transferred to Schwab so that Rudy can directly shape portfolio (conservative : 50/50)
7. President-Elect: Sonya Freiband
Freiband reports that she will start forming a committee to talk about the low fee supervision program. Will coordinate with Klein.
8. Past-President: Elizabeth Waiess (not preent)
- Klein read report from Waiess.
-Review of Medicare changes
-Could be an opportunity to coordinate with Peter Breggin speaker in E Lansing
-CEUs for psychologists – malpractice discount and MI may begin to require it/ MPC may help in this role as an opportunity to benefit psychologists and MPC. Waiess would be willing to help with such a committee but not chair it
9. Certification: Reena Liberman
- Carole Symer is in process with certification process, including May presentation.
10. Candidate Representative: Michael Rudy
“We had a meeting, it went well. Everyone is happy!”
11. Committee Reports:
Visiting Professor Status: (Hooberman)
Katherine Zerbe MD – prof of psychiatry Oregon. 4 books on topics related to women/bodies/ED.
The event is scheduled for Thurs March 20th at 6pm, Cottage Inn. Discussed fee structure and food.
Programs: (Liberman) – Continued discussion from October meeting re: Sarah Arvio, author of a book titled Night Thoughts as a possible speaker next year. Liberman has been in touch with her regularly, reports there was an interesting presentation in Boston this fall (with her analyst). Question of MPC budget for such events, a 2 hours presentation on a Sunday possibly $800 plus travel. Klein proposes having committee, with newly appointed VP, discuss this item within the context of overall goals for programming and bring a proposal to next Board meeting.
Accreditation: (Baker, not present). Freiband offered report:
Meeting was held with Sherick, Wood, Baker and Freiband; additional members welcome to attend.
Sorting out the question of where we are and where we need to go. The loosely-held goal is accreditation, and towards that end -- looking at policies and where we might bring structure and draw others to the organization. It is valuable process to formalize thinking and policies of the organization (so outside body could look at it) – and address questions about procedural issues/and how changes are made. Useful process of clarification and recommendations brought up at retreat. Hutchison – endorses the clarification of policy prior to issues coming up, eg, how to evaluate competencies of trainees.
Update on website until next month.
Hockett: Slowiaczek is considering offering a second year of the relational course.
New Business:
Klein outlined his thoughts about organizational changes, specifically renaming the organization
: Michigan Council for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (see below for the outline that was presented at the meeting). Remaining meeting time devoted to open discussion of this proposal, and the broader question of the future of the organization overall.
The meeting was adjournedat 10:30 a.m..
Minutes respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.