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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2012

University Club

Ann Arbor, MI

January 15, 2012


Present, MPC Board members: M. Atwell, D. Freiband, S. Freiband, M. Frye, R. Hutchison, D. Klein, L. Pierce, M. Rivette, M. Rudy, E. Waiess, P. Wood. Past President: Diane Drayson. Members: Janet Robinson, R. Hooberman, Rena Liberman, K. Sorrell.


1. The minutes of the meeting of November 15, 2012 were approved unanimously.


2. Treasurer (Michael Rudy)


  • Year-to-date figures in all accounts are satisfactory, given the membership funds that are coming in.
  • There is some income-by-donations; the board might want to give more attention to that.
  • Committees’ getting cash flow statements is new, and good.
  • Finance committee met. It is asking for direction re use of the 37-38K Development Fund., what the Development Fund is for. Suggestions arising in discussion:

o      use Development Fund for large projects that would help the organization develop but would not be directly incoming-generating (such as the web page);

o      put some % of membership funds into the Development Fund;

o      a meeting in August about the long-term picture of the organization and what it could do.

  • MPC is now paying members who teach the courses, on a % basis. Last meeting, some expression of desire to revisit/check that. Rudy: this is working okay, financially, and may contribute to increasing membership.
  • It appears that some analysts are not paying the fee associated with being an MPC analyst; this has been a problem before. Membership chair has the forms with what people checked off; she can follow up.


2. President (Elizabeth Waiess)


  • Members are calling about MPC taking their libraries. Wants a motion that we set up a Library committee. Renting a space? Maybe some income from the books. There is a Library Fund with a few thousand. Could have a location and make available to candidates, and bring to a meeting. Rudy thinks the income could offset the rent.
  • S. Frieband moved to establish a Library Committee and task them with working out how to handle this. Rudy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Kay Sorrell is willing to serve on this.
  • Rudy moved that we task the Library Committee to explore efficient and economically viable ways to receive and dispose of libraries, and provide the Board with a proposal. Seconded by Klein. Passed unanimously but for one abstention.
  • Jennifer Rahn is not doing well. She still wants to do work as she is able. She cannot guarantee meeting a deadline. Membership mailing was done without her services. The people at Paper Image can handle a mailing.


3. Past President – No report.


4. President Elect – No report.


5. Education and Training – No report


6. Programs – Michelle Rivette

  • Schedule for next year is in place. Some uncertainty about April.


7. Certification – Sonya Frieband

  • There are some apps for certification
  • Progress reports on candidates are forthcoming


8. Committee Reports

  • Membership: Laura Pierce

o      The membership directory is forthcoming.


  • Elections – Marybeth Atwell

There are few responses so far to nominations requests. We should come up with ideas about who might be interested.


  • PCD: Ralph Hutchison

o      Some new people turning up for classes.

o      He mailed announcements to students and faculty at social work schools.

o      He invites more addresses for publicity.


  • Bulletin: David Klein

The next issue will be out next month.


  • Website - Reena Liberman


o      She already updated us on the budget; invited approval of more $. She moved the approval of a revised budget, increased by $750. S. Frieband seconded.   Rudy offered a friendly amendment to round up to $1K.   Pierce seconded.    Passed unanimously.

o      60 members are signed up on the new listserve. Discussion about transferring names from the present list-serve to the new one.

o      Good job, Reena.


  • Social Action: no report
  • Gender & Diversity: no report
  • Newsletter: no report
  • Parliamentarian & Bylaws: no report
  • Strategic Planning: no report


  • Bylaw Committee. Art Brickman.

o      Bylaw revisions letter is to go in a surface-mail letter inviting members to refer to the bylaws on the MPC website. There is also a copy of the bylaws in the membership directory. The draft letter approved, by sense of the meeting.


  • Library Committee – Kay Sorrell

o      There already is a library, books that MPC has.


New Business:

  • Topic: MPI visiting professor. Hooberman reporting. Board had MPI’s letter on this. MPI proposes an event Friday afternoon in Farmington. There is no time just for MPC in the program they propose. Hooberman doesn’t think we should spend $250 for an event few of us will attend. Hooberman moved that we decline MPI invitation for 2012, counter-offering our usual Thursday evening MPI visiting professor event in Ann Arbor. Second, Atwell. passed Unanimously


9. The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Marilyn Frye, board secretary.


Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.

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