MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2011
Ann Arbor City Club
Ann Arbor, Michigan
January 23, 2011
MPC Executive Board members: Anderson, M., Freiband, D., Freiband, S., Hutchison, R., Klein, B., Meisels, M., Orosan-Weine, P., Rudy, M., Waiess, B., Wixom, J., Wood, P.
MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: Atwell, M.
I. Secretary's Report - Diane Gartland
- November meeting minutes approved.
II. President's Report - Murray Meisels
- Jennifer Rahn recovering from illness
- MPC annual dinner will be held on Saturday, June 11 at the University Club
- Discusses difficulties with nominations because the general membership is not getting involved.
III. Treasurer - Michael Rudy
-Provided a hand out detailing MPC cash flow for 2010
-Discussed assets and liabilities
-Discussed the need for strategic planning
IV. Past President - Brenda Lepisto
- Discussed psychoanalytic child psychotherapy
V. President Elect - Beth Waiess
VI. VP for Education and Training Report - Peter Wood
VII. VP for Programs Report - Jean Wixom
-Indicated that, as there are no nominations or interest in the Board position of Vice President of Programs which will be vacated at the end of the year, we may not be able to have a major speaker brought in for a fall conference. The deadline for inviting a speaker would be March.
VIII. VP for Certification Report - Pamela Orosan-Weine
Dr. Orosan-Weine presented Ms. Maria Sloviachek to the board for certification as a psychoanalyst. A motion was made and carried that Maria Sloviachek be certified as a psychoanalyst with MPC.
Committee Reports
IX. Elections- Marybeth Atwell
- There are no nominations for principal positions for the coming year and no one in the general membership has stepped forward.
XII. Old business
- None
XIII. New business
- Bruce Klein discussed concerns about involvement of those who live in Oakland County.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.
Recording Secretary