MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 2010
Ann Arbor City Club
Ann Arbor, Michigan
January 17, 2010
MPC Executive Board members: M. Anderson, A. Brickman, S. Freiband, D. Gartland, R. Hutchison, B. Klein, M. Stirling-Doherty, B. Waiess, J. Wixom
MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: M. Atwell, R. Hooberman, R. Liberman, L. Pierce, D. Votruba
I. Secretary’s Report – Diane Gartland
- Minutes from the November 2009 meeting was approved with corrections.
II. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty
- Current MPC assets are: Operating fund - $25,367.10, Anne Cunningham Library Fund - $3753.05, Development Fund - $34,220.52 for a total of $63,340.67 compared to last January's total of $62,345.66.
III. President’s Report – Elizabeth Waiess
- Dr. Waiess, as President-elect, chaired this meeting in the absence of current President Dr. Murray Meisels.
- Dr. Waiess introduced the matter of having a self-study committee and a chair for that committee. It was generally agreed that the yearly retreat is supposed to have a self-study component and, since Dr. Freiband will be chairing that committee, it falls to her to organize self-study activities and suggestions can be forwarded to her. As a function of this responsibility, she will be integrating the responses from the member interest survey into whatever self-study activities are planned for the retreat in June.
- A motion was made and carried approving doctoral student Mariana Cracium's observational research of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council and its members with the understanding that the ongoing research will be conducted with the full and informed consent of those who are being observed.
IV. Education and Training Committee - Sonya Freiband for Peter Wood
- Two classes will be taught in the spring as advertised.
- A motion was made and carried making Mary Nowack the official coordinator of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy program and, as such, she is a member of the Training and Education Committee.
V. Program Committee - Jean Wixom
- Dr. Wixom discussed the program for the calendar year 2010-11. The speaker for our October conference will be Ken Corbett, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and author of "Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities".
- Dr. Wixom indicated that the speaker slots for the upcoming 2010-11 academic year have been filled with the exception of April but this space also was awaiting confirmation.
- Dr. Wixom indicated that the February program will feature Dr. Waiess as presenter and Dr. Bertram Karon as discussant.
VI. Certification - Sonya Freiband for Pamela Orosan-Weine
- Dr. Brickman was presented to the board for certification in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. A motion was made and carried that Dr. Arthur Brickman be certified as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with MPC.
- There was some discussion about making a place for member contact information on the MPC web site and this issue was tabled for a later time.
Committee Reports
VII. Retreat - Sonya Freiband - There was a brief discussion about a possible name for the retreat but not firm decision was made. The retreat will be held on June 4 thru June 6 at the Maumee Bay Resort.
VIII. Professional and Community Development Committee - Sonya Freiband - There will be two classes taught by Dr. Waiess and Dr. Slowiaczek. There have been 27 interest surveys returned so far. Based on concerns expressed by Dr. Brandell, there was a discussion or having greeters assigned to each meeting to make newcomers feel more comfortable. Also, the possibility of having a committee to work with multicultural issues was discussed.
IX. Membership - Laura Pierce - Dr. Pierce indicated that there are currently 121 members with 9 new or returning members. 19 members have not renewed as of yet. A discussion ensued regarding outreach and marketing to students who often are not receiving an education in psychoanalysis.
X. Distance Learning - Reena Liberman - Ms. Liberman discussed the use of various mechanisms for attendance at Board meetings. With the help of Peggy Burke from Grand Rapids and Michael Rudy of Ypsilanti she has researched several options. These are SKYPE (with Ichat for MAC and AIM), Bridgelines (with a special phone line that people call into and can handle about 15 people) and and Web conferencing (which operates like a virtual classroom).
XI. Elections - Marybeth Atwell - Several people have been nominated for office for the upcoming election. Diane Gartland was nominated for Secretary, David Freiband for Male Member at Large and Michael Rudy for Treasurer. We still need a nomination for a Female Member at Large. Election forms should be mailed out within the next few weeks.
XII. New Business - There was a question as to whether it would be helpful to send out minutes to the membership or to the chairs of committees. It was pointed out that the minutes, once approved are posted on the web site to which everyone has access.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.
Recording Secretary