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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2021


PRESENT: P. Wood, M. Nowack, S. Freiband, E. Avrin, L. Faulkner., R. Liberman, L. Young, L. Larson, D. Freiband, A. Brickman, K. Weber, J. Brandell, M. Goldstein, M. Kloc

Introductions: the meeting began with a round of introductions as we were joined by our new secretary, Melynda Kloc.


President Peter Wood - addressed agenda for meeting, expressed gratitude for the love and loyalty of members which continues to sustain MCPP.

1. Election slate for 2021-22

President Elect - Jerry Brandell  (elected for 1 year term);
The training program is on hiatus and this position will remain empty for the next year;Treasurer Eve Avrin - remains in position for another year;
Vice President of Programs - David Freiband - appointment of 1 year; 
Membership Chair - Linda Young.

Members at large:
Shil Sengupta will remain in position for another year. 
Four others have volunteered to serve as members at large: Liam Faulkner, Michele Rivette and Beth Waiess.

The election slate is approved.

2. Programs:

Members raved about Solms Conference. David Freiband congratulated many members on their collaboration.
Art Brickman suggested bringing Solms back for a shorter conference to engage in the different drives and a specific case Solms’ is currently supervising involving the ‘play’ drive.
Eve Avrin suggests a sort of book club to read one of Solms’ books and participate in the suggested conference in that way as well,etc.
The many ideas regarding this conference suggestion should be directed to Art who will come up with a complete proposal covering content, time frame and expenses to bring to the next Board meeting.

3. Proposal from the Treasurer:

Eve proposes to deposit $10,000 into the Schwabb Portfolio;  There is a motion to move the funds with the proviso that Avrin investigates Schwabb fluidity and liquidity of funds in order to access funds if needed.  Motion passed.

4. Website:

Reena Liberman outlined the financial needs to shifting the website to the care of Dezignseed, and commented on the helpfulness of Scott, the Dezignseed administrator. The Board approved the expenditure of $`1280 to move the website to Dezignseed.  Reena believes that ongoing maintenance expenses will be minimal, as Karen, Melynda and she collaborate to keep the website updated.

Linda Young - has suggestions on front end website design. All website and design inquiries should go to Reena, Karen and Melynda when the new website is up and running.

Next Meeting:

March 14th from 9am-10:30am

Minutes provided by: Melynda Kloc

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