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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2015

Present:   David Klein, Reena Liberman, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Cynthia Hockett, Marybeth Atwell, Sonya Freiband, Peter Wood


1.  Secretary:  A. Michael (not present)  Peter Wood filling in:

The minutes of the meeting of January 18, 2015 were reviewed and approved, following clarification from the last minutes regarding sending letters of thanks to donors to the Foundation.  They will go out with Reena Liberman’s signature.


2. President:  D. Klein 

  • The Banquet is set for Saturday, May 30, 2015 at the home of Marybeth Atwell.  Marybeth will need help planning for gifts, invitations and food.
  • David thanks Marilyn Frye, Robert Hooberman and Cynthia Hockett for their publicity of the Alison Bechdel event held in Ann Arbor.
  • The mandatory 3-year review of the by-laws is approaching.  Art Brickman has agreed to spearhead this review, and Board members are invited to propose changes they would like to see made to the by-laws.  Two items likely to come up relate to the name change of MPC and to the Foundation.  We considered what mention the Foundation needs to have in MPC’s by-laws, e.g. clarifying the relationship between the Foundation and MPC.  Reena Liberman will bring back legal considerations for the Board to consider at a future Board meeting.
  • Administrative secretary: consensus was to retain an administrative secretary, who will need to have organizational and publication skills, and will need to be able to keep the web site updated.  This person would also assist the Programs VP by booking sites for programs and seeing to publicity.

3.  President Elect: S. Freiband

There are now four people registered in the Access Program, an increase of one. We need to seek opportunities to publicize the program and to inform Access participants of MPC classes and programs.


4.   Past President:  B Waiess   (not present) – no report


5. Education and Training:  Peter Wood 

  • Two year-long classes continue to run, and there will be two new offerings in the Spring: Dreams in Clinical Practice (Hooberman) and Ethics (Frye and Wood).
  • Candidates will meet for the year’s final Forum in March; discussion will focus on their writing final papers.  
  • The next Training and Certification meeting will invite MPC members to weigh in on courses to offer next year and on re-examining reimbursement amount to course instructors.

6. Programs: Cynthia Hockett    

All Ann Arbor programs are filled for next year – in fact, there is a waiting list.  No one has taken the East Lansing Spots in October, January and May (May is the child presentation date). Suggestions for the unfilled spots included a case presentation, changes in insurance procedures as they affect therapists, and a combination meeting and trip to the Broad Art Museum in East Lansing.  We need to find less expensive venues, board members will investigate less expensive venues in both Ann Arbor and East Lansing.


7.  Treasurer:  Michael Rudy 

Michael’s report is attached.  There has been a negative cash flow in the year to date, largely connected with reduced membership payments.  The stock market has treated us well.

Several members will look for cheaper venues for scientific meetings as a way to reduce expenses.


8. Certification: Reena Liberman – no report


9.  Candidate Representative:  Michael Rudy – all candidates have finished their coursework and need only to complete their final papers, the speaker excepted.  He will be working out some independent studies to finish up his courses.


10.  Committee Reports:

501(c)3: Reena Liberman  - Reena described the articles relating to the purpose(s) of the Foundation.  Trustees will need to discern how to disburse funds, all of which need to come from donations (although the Foundation can apply for grants). MPC’s Development funds and funds from the Cunningham Library Fund can be transferred to the Foundation if desirable, though we need to preserve some of these monies for MPC’s operational costs.


Membership: Lisa Larson

  • Current paid membership is at 39 for 2015; the usual number stands between 90-100, and Lisa will send out letters to last year’s members who have not yet re-upped, since many people respond better to a paper reminder than to an e-mail.
  • Suggestions for increased membership included putting out promotional materials at the Empathy Conference in April, and sending out paper newsletters as we did in the past (always assuming we can find a new editor for the newsletter)

Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman

Ken Corbett will be the visiting professor, and will present an as-yet untitled paper at the Mediterrano Restaurant in Ann Arbor Thursday,  March 19. Robert will take steps to publicize this event


Professional and Community Development: (vacant) – no report

Website: Reena Liberman -  no report


Elections: Marybeth Atwell – Major positions come open next year – President-elect, VP for Programs, VP for Training, VP for Certification.  So far, we have no nominations and no takers for any of these positions.


CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)  - no report 

Accreditation: Karen Baker – no report

Registrar: Rebecca Hatton – no report

Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister – no report

Newsletter: Barbara Gamble – no report

Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto – no report

Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess – sent a report reminding the Board of procedures to follow in the three-year review of the by-laws.  See President’s report.

Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch – no report

MPC Members-At-Large:  

Marybeth Atwell,  MaryAnne Beltzman

Marilyn Frye,  Robert Hooberman

Ralph Hutchison,  Lisa Larson 


Old Business/ New Business: none


Meeting adjourned at 10:30  am.  


NOTES respectfully submitted by Peter Wood, sitting in for Alice Michael, board secretary.


Note:  it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members.  Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.

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