MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2014
University Club
East Lansing MI
February 16, 2014
Present: MPC Board members: D. Klein, S. Freiband, R. Hutchison, M. Rudy, R. Liberman, A. Michael, C. Hockett., P. Wood, M. Atwell, Members: J. Boyer
1. Secretary: Alice Michael
The minutes of the meeting of January 19, 2014 were approved unanimously.
Clarification and discussion of the minutes as distinct from meeting notes.
2. President: David Klein
a. Klein announced the donation of the library of Louis Hoffman. Discussion of the use of the books -- planning a book sale at the May meeting. Letter of appreciation to be sent on behalf of the board.
b. Mary Anne Beltzman has expressed interest in filling a seat fo Member at Large on the Board. Brief sketch for those on the Board who do not know her -- seasoned social worker from Ann Arbor.
c. Motion by C Hockett to appoint her to the Board, Wood seconds. Approved by the Board.
d. Plan for the annual Banquet (in Ann Arbor). Discussion of venue and cost. Date set as Saturday June 7th. Klein to pursue options.
3. Membership: Janet Boyer
a. Boyer provided current stats on membership (n = 85) and steps to recruit additional members.
b. Boyer plans to resign end of June to pursue other important tasks in her life. Board expressed appreciation for her service.
4. Education and Training: Peter Wood
Wood offered thoughts on future of the training program based on the 2 most successful courses this year (Freud’s papers; Relational course).
Dual purpose: (1) training programs for people interested in becoming analysts, (2) promote psychoanalysis more widely/broadly. Second mission will be increasingly the focus – needs of the public and the psychotherapy community more generally, as well as the needs of the analytic community.
Ideas for future courses: supervising, helping analysts/therapists think about developing themselves as supervisors.
Possibly topics such as: couples, integrative, short-term psychodynamic treatment.
In discussion with someone who may be interested in re-starting the PCD program .
5. Programs: Cynthia Hockett
a. Thanks to Boyer for arranging new member lunch today
b. Large conference for April rather than October next year. Working on options for a speaker and discussants.
c. May meeting update: – offer from Lovinger fund to support the meeting that was scheduled. There are four people interested in an opportunity to present next year to represent the child section.
d. Marilyn Charles will come – perhaps offer a Saturday afternoon seminar to support her travel. She is an MPC member.
e. Board expressed gratitude to Hockett for stepping into the Program shoes.
6. Treasurer: Michael Rudy
a. minor corrections to report sent to Board.
b. conferences are “break even”
c. transition to PayPal is complete
d. letters sent to relational course teachers (Hassinger, Davies, Slowiaczek)
7. Certification: Reena Liberman
- Vote on the amendments for the policy handbook:
Next review would be based on accreditation status.
Hockett moves to vote, Wood seconds. Board passes unanimously.
- Website: job descriptions posted on website now.
- Membership: wish to have members register on the website so directory can be online, which will save money. Prospect of two email directories – one for only MPC members and one who is a community of non-members.
7. President-Elect: Sonya Freiband
Update on beginning discussions regarding low fee supervision.
8. Past-President: Elizabeth Waiess (not present) - no report
9. Candidate Representative: Michael Rudy - no report
10. Committee Reports: no committee reports.
New Business: none
Hockett moved to recess the meeting, Wood seconded. Vote to recess meeting unanimous. (recess begun at 10:10am)
Meeting was re-convened at 10:29am. Agreed to continue to this meeting format for the remaining Board meetings this Spring.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.