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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2009

Women’s City Club

Ann Arbor, Michigan

February 15, 2009



MPC Executive Board members:  M. Anderson, A. Brickman, B. Klein, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, M. Stirling-Doherty, S. Trylch, B. Waiess, J. Wixom


MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives:

D. Drayson, R. Hutchison, I. Schaer, E. Toronto, P. Wood,


I.  Secretary’s Report - Diane Gartland – Minutes from the November 16, 2008 were approved with corrections.  The Januray 18, 2009 meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.  The board approved two measures by internet vote during the interim due to time urgency. 

Reena Liberman, the chairperson of the Cinema Talk program, requested that the Board vote on a move of the program from WCC to the Allen Creek Preschool and the donation of the proceeds be made to Allen Creek Preschool.  The measure was carried through a polling of the board membership

Mary Ann Doherty, the treasurer of MPC, requested that the Board vote on whether to continue membership in the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education (note name change in 2008).  The membership of the Board was polled and approved continuing membership and budgeted funds to support it.


II.  President’s Report – Brenda Lepisto – Brenda requested a re-vote on the proposal to move the Cinema Talk program to Allen Creek Preschool with a donation of the proceeds to be made to Allen Creek Preschool.

A motion was made and carried to have the Cinema Talk program moved from WCC to Allen Creek Preschool with a donation of the proceeds to go to Allen Creek Pre-School.

Brenda acknowledged members who had been ill or had lost a relative and indicated MPCs recognition through a donation of flowers.

Brenda indicated that the By Laws and the Election results would be finalized at the next meeting according to Marybeth Atwell.

Brenda announced that a few circumstances have delayed the website development but that the launch was close at hand. 

Kay Pratt has resigned as the chair of the Social Work CEU program and as a participant in the Professional and Community Development committee.  Brenda read her letter of resignation.  The board recognizes her contributions in this area and is sorry to see her go. MPC will need someone to take Kay’s place which is not expected to be easy since she and, before her, Hugh McPherson did such a good job of managing this difficult and time-consuming task. 


III.  Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – Our funds are diminishing, partly due to the stock market going down but also because we have been paying out quite a bit but taking in monies. A discussion ensued regarding various expenditures and income receipt with ideas about reducing costs and ensuring that cash flow continues. 


IV.  Membership – Beth Waiess –There are 94 members who have paid their dues, down from 115 last year.  Second notices have been sent out.  The new membership luncheon will take place after the March meeting on March 15.  All board members are encouraged to attend.  Beth requested that we start an emergency fund for needy members.  A discussion ensued. A motion was made and carried that the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council will establish an emergency fund for the membership.  Donations will be dolicidted to establish this fund and it will be administered by the membership chair and treasurer.

We also discussed the late fee which a member was concerned about for those who could not pay on time.  It was determined that those who paid early would get a $15 discount and the opportunity for a discount for the IJPA.  A motion was made and carried that MPC waive the late fee for this year’s dues (2009)


V.  Training and Certification –The MPI Visiting Professor will be Dr. Robert Galatzer-Levy.  As is our tradition, we will be hosting a paper reading “Understanding Greed” and a dinner at Women’s City Club 6-9 PM.  The announcement and cost for interested members will go out shortly.  Dr. Hooberman will be making arrangements.  A discussion ensued about whether to have a Fall 2009 conference and it was agreed that the organizers should be “financially prudent”.  A motion was made and carried for a Fall Conference in 2009.


VI.  Certification – Brenda Lepisto for Ruth Rosenthal – A motion was made and carried for Sophie Lovinger Ph.D. to be certified in child psychoanalysis with MPC.


VII.  Anniversary  – Ellen Toronto – Various ideas were discussed about the cost of the gathering.  As has been the tradition, some sponsorship of candidates would be appropriate.  The likely cost of a ticket would be $75.  Of some concern was the cost of entertainment and it was decided that these issues should be discussed in committee so that a reasonable spending plan could be determined.


VIII. Old business – David Klein will be providing a copy of the final expenditures for the Bulletin. 


Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.

Recording Secretary

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