MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 2019
Michigan League Ann Arbor MI April 14, 2019 9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, Peter Wood, Lisa Larson, Alice Michael, Mary Nowack, Karen Weber, Keri Warren, Ralph Hutchison
1. Secretary: A. Michael filling in for D. Hutton
The minutes of the meetings of January and February 2019 were approved with minor revisions.
2. President: S. Freiband
Retreat/Banquet planning updates:
Notes that this year marks the 30th anniversary of MCPP.
Considering ways to mark this occasion and celebrate (champagne toasts, cake, speeches - potentially from some of the founders). Certificates of completion for the one year students, invite them as guests, considering the details of how to honor the students. Raffle donations will also be solicited. Clarified that retreat is open to all members, banquet is open to the entire MCPP community
Proposed cost for banquet: $35 per guest. Reviewed pricing details, what MCPP will cover (champagne toast, cake), and dietary preferences (entrees include both gluten free and vegetarian options) Marybeth will send the invitations, Peter will invite the one-year class participants.
Retreat: Peter, Karen, Brian planning a phone discussion to plan the retreat, ideally this week. “Where have we come from, where are we going” theme.
Book donations: University of Monterrey, Mexico is starting up a psychoanalytic program and is interested in donations. Exploring options for shipment. Discussion of options - idea of foundation helping with the mailing costs, consulting with other resources to investigate regarding the feasibility.
Access program: Need to recruit additional supervisors, as well as new ways to recruit participants (given Madonna’s closure). Options could be discussed at the retreat.
Elections: Ongoing need to consider recruitment and ways to frame the tasks at hand. Positions to be filled: Sonya will run for VP training. Considerations for
Programs - David
Freiband willing to play a role, but wants to hand off the March symposium planning. Brainstorming around how to manage this differently, responsibility of the Board to find speakers rather than resting on the shoulders of the Program Director. Need for a committee. Karen Weber volunteered help now. Individuals were mentioned as potential additions to the board as Members at Large. Details of various positions and challenges of positions and how to streamline some of the positions. Needing to find someone in a treasurer role, discussion of this, and proposal to have each Board member think of one person and ask about willingness to serve.
3. President Elect: P. Wood —no report
4. Treasurer: K. Warren
Review of report.
Discussion of costs/payments associated with the Visiting Speaker. Presumed to be a net loss given number of participants.
Symposium costs/payments discussion - $2770 income, $2270 cost. (roughly $500 net). Discussion of Programs budget.
5. Membership: Lisa Larson
42 non-renewals for this year at present. Discussion of ways to address this and how to appeal to people regarding membership, outreach. General mailing list for who to potentially drop from our mailing list. Board will do personal outreach to members who have not renewed to inquire and encourage, Larson to distribute a list, each Board member to select a few (3-4) people to inquire personally about their intent regarding membership.
6. Programs: D Freiband
Spring 2020 Symposium: brainstorm ideas for March 2020 at the next meeting.
Updates: challenges for booking rooms for next years’ schedule because Union is closed. Rooms are reserved for all meetings, if not at the League, then on North Campus to hold the placE. 4 speakers are committed for next year, and 6 others have been invited. (7 total available meetings if there is a symposium). David Klein will present in Sept.
7. Education and Training: S. Freiband reporting
Second year program, 4 7-week segments. First year program needs additional people to teach -
brief ideas about people to approach for this.
MPC Members-At-Large:
Ralph Hutchison, Karen Weber, Lisa Larson, Alice Michael, Peter Wood, Brian Ashin, Mary Nowack, Debra Hutton
New Business:
Ideas about how to offer relevant CEs to offer to the community, including the mandatory Pain, and Ethics continuing education. Consider whether Peter Wood’s upcoming presentation can meet criteria for pain CEs for SW and Psychology. More generally consider ways to offer these programs periodically to help people obtain needed credits in these content areas.
Psychotherapy Action Network : (PsiAN). Sonya moves that we join as an organization, Lisa seconds. Can link to PsiAN on our website. Question about who to have email access. Discussion. Unanimously approved by vote.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by A. Michael, substitute board secretary for D. Hutton.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.