MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 2018
Michigan League
Ann Arbor MI
April 15, 2018
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, Margaret Sweet, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Janet Boyer, Karen Weber, Keri Warren, Debra Hutton
Secretary: D. Hutton. The minutes of the meeting of February 18, 2018 were approved.
President: S. Freiband Formally proposed to increase the Member at Large by one in the upcoming election. This was passed unanimously.
Peg Sweet, Sonya Freiband, Maribeth Atwell and Deb Hutton are all working on the Spring Banquet scheduled for June 2 at Mediterrano Restaurant.
Sonya Freiband proposed that MCPP offer a One-Year Program on Psychoanalytic Technique and Theory. The format would be Six courses that are five weeks in length and an hour and one-half long. The courses would lead to a certificate of completion. The purpose would be to introduce psychoanalytic principles that might lead to particiants’ interest in further training. Each segment would have an hour devoted to ethic training. Peg and Ralph will work on getting CE credits for the classes. Concern about ad-hoc courses diluting the core courses was discussed. The proposal passed unanimously.
Education and Training: Peg Sweet and Robert Hutchison will be working to get CE credits for the upcoming courses.
Programs: D Freiband stated that the symposium was well attended and made money. A fall event was discussed and the idea of branding it was considered. The title “Clinical Dialogues” was proposed with each successive year holding a different theme or topic.
Treasurer: Kerry Warren presented the financial report. Cash outflow exceeding inflow was explained.
Membership: Lisa Larson will be sending out a renewal reminder to those members who have not renewed. There have been some PayPal glitches that have slowed some of the renewals. Also, some of the renewal reminders have been blocked by a spam feature.
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman reported that the attendance this year was low. He believes that this may have been due to cross programing, in that the symposium was scheduled for the same week. He would like to hold the event at Mediteranno Restaurant next year, and find out the date early enough to schedule any symposium accordingly.
Elections: Marybeth Atwell will be sending out election ballots in May.
CEUs: Ralph Hutchison requested that MCPP find a psychologist or student to work with him in an ongoing way.
Bulletin: The possibility of publishing a new Bulletin was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Debra Hutton, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.