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MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 2017

Michigan League

Ann Arbor MI

April 23, 2017

9am – 10:30am

Present:   Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Marilyn Frye, Alice Michael, Tamara Frei, Michael Rudy


1. Secretary:  A. Michael filling in for D. Hutton

The minutes of the meeting of February 19, 2017 were approved.

2. President:  S. Freiband

Offered gratitude and celebration to those who organized the symposium in March.  Pleased with the number and broad appeal of the event, brief reflection on its success and the process leading to it.  Review of the finances:  $500 Loevenger, $500 MCPP, $1500 Foundation. 

Access program is thriving and growing.  Students from Madonna and elsewhere. (n = 8)

Update on analyst interest in training/framing of future training program: A note was sent to assess interest from those who could teach, reviewed the results - mixed interest overall. S Freiband intends to call a meeting of credentialed analysts to discuss.  Discussion of options to assess and generate a new cohort.  Idea of putting out a call for a cohort to begin at a particular date (eg, January 2018), and importance of establishing its distinctive offerings/differentiated from other options for early career professionals.  Ideas and dilemmas of child training within the curriculum and as one particular area of concern, given limited resources relative to expressed interest among potential candidates.  Rudy suggested focusing a working group on the mission of generating a training cohort and to harness a sense of passion for a message within the organization. 

Analyst meeting to be set for an upcoming Sunday to see what energy can be generated and continued.

Beggar’s Banquet is the place for the Saturday June 3 banquet in East Lansing.  Accommodates 20-50 people if buffet service is provided.  $21-28 pp for buffet (more main dishes with higher price).  Atwell willing to do invitations, ideas about a short program/talk briefly discussed.  Charge of $35 per person for invite, students at $20.  Question of music.

3. President Elect: vacant

4. Past President: D. Klein

D Klein proposes making a donation on behalf of the memory of R Hooberman’s mother, who died recently.  Donation of $50 was approved.

5. Treasurer:  K Warren (not present, M Rudy spoke)

  • - update on taxes for the organization
  • - renewal for insurance passed along to KW by M Rudy
  • - acknowledgment of the information provided by K Warren

6. Education and Training:  vacant

7. Programs: D Freiband

Reviewed planning for next year’s schedule of presenters. 

8. Certification:  Liberman 

9. Candidate Representative:  Rudy         

10. Committee Reports:

501(c)3: Reena Liberman  

Membership: Lisa Larson

  • - Brief listing of non-renewed members and letter to be sent to inform them that they will be removed from mailing lists.
  • - New members are also coming in, mainly people who are early career.


Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman

Professional and Community Development: (vacant)

Website: Reena Liberman

Elections: Marybeth Atwell 

Elections are proceeding well; elections will be open for another few weeks. 

CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)

Accreditation: Karen Baker

Registrar: Rebecca Hatton

Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister

Newsletter: Barbara Gamble

Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto

Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess

Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch


MPC Members-At-Large:  

Marybeth Atwell  MaryAnne Beltzman

Marilyn Frye  Robert Hooberman

Ralph Hutchison , Debra Hutton,  Lisa Larson 


Old Business/ New Business:

Larson provided review of current plans to bring J. Shedler to talk fall 2017:  conference fee/venue ideas shared and discussed.  $3500 fee discussed, w/ profit sharing if we break even.  Larson advocates for a variety of reasons.  Discussion of concerns and ideas to move this forward. 

Sunday Oct 15 as a tentative proposed date.  S Freiband and Larson to head a committee.  Ideas about how to make use of the time - break out groups, additional panels. Hooberman agrees to serve as a discussant as one possibility. 


Meeting adjourned at 10:30am. 

NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, filling in for Deb Hutton, board secretary.


Note:  it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members.  Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.

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