MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 2016
Michigan League
Ann Arbor MI
April 17, 2016
9am – 10:30am
Present: Sonya Freiband, David Freiband, David Klein, Michael Rudy, Ralph Hutchison, Lisa Larson, Robert Hooberman, Maryanne Beltzman, Alice Michael, Debra Hutton, Peter Wood
1. Secretary: A. Michael
The minutes of the meeting of March 20, 2016 were approved.
2. President: S. Freiband
-Retreat planning: Beltzman reports that the Board will meet 12-2pm Sat 6/4, half hour break to follow, then an afternoon retreat (2:30 - 5pm) open to all members. Banquet begins at 6pm. Venues are reserved (Henderson room, then Mediterraneo)
-List of AV equipment available
- Freiband has invited membership to comment about how to use the retreat time - board will establish an agenda.
- Re-visited the idea of the workshops that grew out of brainstorming for the retreat - TED talk ideas or other elements of how to offer both self-study and opportunities to feel connection. Larson, Rudy and Michael to brainstorm for the current retreat time a scaled down model of these sorts of opportunities. Possible to use one of the Sunday meeting days (March meeting currently designated as a student forum?) as a time for the workshop symposium proposed.
Hutton : Checked with 3 ad places - (1) AA news offers 30 days online ad for $195, (2) UM record - 8th of page to run once = $225 (3) Observer - $467/for one small ad. Can look at Craigs list, student website posting, or Michigan Daily. Idea to start posting on free spaces, and then AA News if no luck.
3. President Elect: vacant
4. Past President: D. Klein
- Foundation has $3100.
5. Treasurer : M Rudy
Budget is holding steady in good shape.
Shortfall of $690. from the Visiting Professor expenses/revenues - which is as anticipated.
6. Programs: D. Freiband
Schedule of presenters for 2016-17 was distributed
Discussion of the issue that majority of presentations are planned for Ann Arbor, and therefore concern for the future of programs in E Lansing. Variety of ideas and opinions about the issue, and options to draw in populations from a broad geographic area (Detroit, Grand Rapids).
7. Education and Training: vacant
Wood and Lepisto to discuss taking on teaching the Developmental sequence next year.
Ahpel-Rappe may run the case conference for the fall.
Klein proposed “the unconscious in Shakespeare’s plays” as an elective he is interested to teach in fall.
S Freiband/Wood to consider managing the training directorship together.
8. Certification: Liberman
9. Candidate Representative: Rudy
Coursework less of a concern than the need for another analysand to complete the supervision portion of the analytic training. Brief brainstorming of ways to spread the word to recruit a suitable candidate.
10. Committee Reports
501(c)3: Reena Liberman
Membership: Lisa Larson
- spent time with Joulianna to sort through the list, did a paper mailing last week with the some responses coming in.
- Student rate to join of $15, needs to be updated on the website.
- currently at 70+ renewed membership. Ideas about additional recruitment - expanded email options to seek recruitment via e-newsletters.
- Hutton reports positively on interaction at visiting professor dinner, re Larson’s recruitment efforts; students felt welcomed and genuinely of interest without a sense of pressure. Important to give thought and find ways to get a sense of what students want and need from this sort of organization. Per Hutton, many of her students eager for ongoing supervision opportunities and low-fee therapy.
Visiting Professor: Robert Hooberman
D. Freiband - reports that A Celenza enjoyed her evening with MCPP.
Professional and Community Development: (vacant)
Website: Reena Liberman
Website coordination with new person is going quite well. Membership directory online will have a printable option. When it is up and running she will contact the board to announce this to membership.
Elections: Marybeth Atwell
Rudy will stay in the role of treasurer until a person is identified to replace him as Treasurer.
CEUs: Marybeth Atwell (interim)
Accreditation: Karen Baker
Registrar: Rebecca Hatton
Bulletin: Diane Burgermeister
Newsletter: Barbara Gamble
Gender and Diversity: Ellen Toronto
Parliamentarian and Bylaws: Elizabeth Waiess
Ombudsperson: Lynne Tenbusch
MPC Members-At-Large:
Marybeth Atwell MaryAnne Beltzman
Marilyn Frye Robert Hooberman
Ralph Hutchison , Debra Hutton, Lisa Larson
Old Business/ New Business:
Brief brainstorming about a “party person” or social events that could help the sense of affiliation to the organization. Shared prior experiences with drop-in lunches, movie nights, or other ways to have more opportunities for people to gather. Floated ideas about social gatherings - several board members expressed interest.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MCPP policy that Board meetings are open to all MCPP members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MCPP members may speak at meetings, time permitting.