MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 2014
Home of Sonya Freiband
Ann Arbor MI
April 6, 2014
10 – 11:30am
Present: MPC Board members: D. Klein, S. Freiband, R. Hooberman, R. Hutchison, M. Rudy, R. Liberman, A. Michael, P. Wood, R. Hatton, M. Atwell, C. Hockett (via Skype)
1. Secretary: Alice Michael
The minutes of the meeting of March 16, 2014 were approved.
2. President: David Klein
- Revisited decision for Banquet. Reviewed options and decided on 5/31 at Paesanos Restaurant in Ann Arbor.
Review of the program: details include review of the year, raffle for centerpieces, gift certificates B&N, and Carole Symer. Atwell to correspond with Brickman: decide menu, cash bar. Atwell and S Freiband will coordinate other details.
- Discussion of ways to encourage involvement in Board meetings by committee chairs and possible changes to email distribution lists to ensure appropriate distribution of information to the broader circle of MPC office holders.
3. President Elect: Freiband
Provided an update on the development of the Low Fee Supervision program regarding ideas for its name, and refinement of the mission.
4. Past President: B Waiess (not present)
Hockett briefly discussed options regarding the decision about co-sponsorship of the conference in April 2015. Waiess emailed additional information regarding the proposal for co-sponsorship. It was determined to make a decision at the May Board meeting, when B Karon is planning to attend.
5. Membership: Janet Boyer (not present)
N = 88 members currently. Discussion of process of outreach to a small group of members who have yet to renew.
6. Education and Training: Peter Wood
(1) Proposing a year-long experiment by T/E regarding more flexible admission to the continuous case courses.
Discussion of process of approval of changes.
(2) Beginning to discuss the use of recording in classes and other venues. Four initial guidelines were discussed at yesterday’s T/E meeting. Complex issue that is growing/changing quickly.
Reviewed a series of guidelines regarding permission/use of recordings generated in T&E committee meeting.
(3) Reflections on changes for the program. Clarification about whether we are in need of a PCD director. Wood and Waiess will meet to discuss this issue.
7. Programs: Cynthia Hockett
- Report from ad hoc committee to discuss how to handle issues of recording during meetings.
- Report on speaker series plans for next academic year.
8. Treasurer: Michael Rudy
Brief review of several reports and upcoming fiscal projects.
9. Certification: (Liberman) no report
10. Candidate Representative: (Rudy) no report
11. Committee Reports:
Visiting Professor (Hooberman): Reports that the event was successful: a good talk and a good turnout. Discussion of options for MPC outreach to promote such opportunities.
Elections: (Atwell)
- Many open positions in upcoming election.
- Discussion of importance of, and administrative task of offering CEUs for Sunday meetings.
New Business: none
Motion to adjourn the meeting given and seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.
NOTES respectfully submitted by Alice Michael, board secretary.
Note: it is MPC policy that Board meetings are open to all MPC members. Priority is given to Board members to address issues, but all MPC members may speak at meetings, time permitting.