MCPP Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 2009
Providence Hospital
Southfield, Michigan
April 19, 2009
MPC Executive Board members: M. Anderson, A. Brickman, D. Gartland, R. Hooberman, B. Klein, D. Klein, B. Lepisto, M. Meisels, M. Stirling-Doherty, B. Waiess
MPC Members, Committee Chairs and Representatives: K. Ahbel-Rappe, B. Meisels, P. Wood,
I. Secretary’s Report - Art Brickman for Diane Gartland –Minutes from the March meeting were approved with corrections.
II. President’s Report – Brenda Lepisto
- PCD is looking for committee members and teachers; currently, the committee consists only of Sonya Freiband and Julia Davies
- Ellen Toronto has provided an update on the Anniversary Party, the invitations have been sent out, and $300 was collected for the Memory Book
- Karen Baker sent a letter thanking Program Committee members for helping out with recent programming, and notifying the Board of the status of next year’s program schedule. She also noted that Jean Wixom will be taking over shortly as chair of the committee, and that Karen will help with transition issues. Murray Meisels recommended that next April’s meeting in Southfield might perhaps be co-sponsored with other groups.
- Beth Waiess has resigned as Membership Chair effective June 1. On behalf of the Board, Brenda Lepisto thanked her for her work in that capacity.
- $1,000 had been set aside as start-up money for the child program, but has not yet been used. This money will be applied for various expenses during the coming year.
- Robert Hooberman was nominated as Chair of Recruitment for MPC, in an effort to generate new contacts and new members, and to be a liaison with other organizations and educational institutions.
III. Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Stirling-Doherty – PayPal and Google will be available on the Website for payments.
Operating Fund $20,524.74
Ann Cunningham Library Fund $3750.15
Development Fund $28,813.33
Total $53,106.22
IV. Training and Certification –Robert Hooberman – The conference with Dr. Galatzer-Levy was a success. Course listings for the coming year have been sent out. A motion was made by Dr. Hooberman and was carried that MPC eliminate the rule that every candidate be supervised by a male and a female supervisor During the discussion of the motion, it was suggested that students and candidates be encouraged, though not required, to seek out diversity and balance in their choices of supervisors.
VI. Old Business - Peter Wood made a motion that "a 'self study and group dynamics teaching' committee become a committee of the board for a period of two years. During that time the committee would be committed to gathering information through meetings with four major groups: Faculty involved in teaching or committee work, analysts, candidates and general members. The committee would gather information about their needs and interests in the various group proposals, with a view to proposing group processes that might address the needs and interests the committee has discerned. Data would be presented to the board. The meetings with the diverse groups would be elective and confidential except for the information to be presented to the board. " A lively discussion among board members ensued with various pros and cons of the proposal argued and deliberated thoroughly. A motion was made and carried to call the matter to a vote. The motion was defeated by a vote of 4 to 2 with 2 abstentions. The supporters of the proposal were encouraged to continue to advance group analysis as an activity of the organization and the self study of the organization with the mechanisms already in place was reaffirmed.
Respectfully submitted,
Art Brickman, Ph.D./Diane M. Gartland Psy.D.
Recording Secretary